Which 2xAA light has most throw but still 30mm bezel or thinner?

Any thin 2AA lights making 30K lux these days?


Shadow mini tc6? Think it’s actually 32mm - but close enough, right? No idea the lux…

Curious what you find though

32mm head but you could make your own P60 dropin if the stock options don't suit.

Been around a long time, lots of threads.

This will be more about using a smaller led. Something with an XP-E2 or XP-G2, but finding these being driven hard enough stock isn’t always easy.

30k lux stock from 2AA in a small light. I’d say little chance. That said most 2AA lights are more like 25mm heads though.

For a similar size the latest gen Mag XL50 is 12k cd. That’s about as throwy as I’ve seen for this class size stock. It run on 3AAA.

Might be worth checking out some Led Lensers too if you are wanting non Li-ion power and throw.

I have had 3 of those with various P60 drop-ins. They just don’t work good. I tried copper tape wrap, artic silver, longer springs, ect… I could never get that host to work reliably so I got rid of them


What exactly was wrong with the javelin host? Can you please elaborate? I’m curious.

Couldn’t finf this for sale or specs

Too many misc issues to explain. They just wouldn’t work for me

With 3 AA cells it was super tuff to get tailcap on too

Weird. I have really only ever seen positive reviews of the javelin. Thanks for the warning.

Hmmm does appear out of stock….

THIS is the Shadow I was referring to (click here)

Notoriously underdriven, lux are surely not very impressive. Not the best recommendation now that I rethink it haha she looks pretty though :wink:

I even purchased the Deerelight P60 drop-ins too

The bezel won’t screw all the way down, sidewall contact finicky, had 2 tailcaps die, and that’s just from memory. Most annoying was it seems the javelin would only turn on when they wanted. Again I had 3 of them and all of them did this.


Yeah that’s no bueno

I’ve not seen it for a while now. Think it was an XM-L, so no way a thrower, even if high lumen count.

They look cool, always fancied one, but a tad pricey IMO.

But no way is a 300 lumen XM-L in a small reflector going to throw.

My bad

Another very important thing to keep in mind is tube thickness.

I had the Malkoff EDC AA light and the McGizmo 2xAA light too. Both of them seem like they could easily fit an 17~18mm cells in there. I think one of the biggest appeals of a AA light is how thin the battery tube is and IMHO those 2 lights mentioned could very easily take 18350 cells with some bore service.

Even if the light has an XML in it that’s fine. As long as it has a SMO Reflector I can swap in an XPE2 on copper star.


At this point if anybody has a link to a easily modified 2XAA light with SMO reflector I am all ears!!!

30mm bezel, tailcap, and thin battery tube just thick enough for AA cells.
