Which light are you looking forward to the most?

Since I’ve been out of the loop for a while I’m curious what lights are coming up? Which lights are you looking forward to the most to be released?
Or which light you havent bought yet and look forward to buying.

The Eagle Eye X6 BLF Edition Group Buy. Waiting on Eagle Eye to produce the first 500 lights. Buying through Banggood. I haven’t been around very long in the flashlight hobby, but as yet I’ve never anticipated the release of a flashlight as much as this one, made for us! :bigsmile: :party:

Eagle eye x6 BLF edition for sure! I’m with the first 500 and I cant wait to play arround with it.

X60 is my favorite purchase recently - there’s a group buy for it right now with a solid price. X60M or TK61vn would be the ones I’m looking forward to getting.

X6 BLF edition!!!

Waiting on some xpl tripple parts to show up looking to try my hand at making p60 dropins

Zebralight SC32w

I’m really waiting for an affordable MT-G2 light in a totally unrealistic battery configuration (AAs)

Thrunite Neutron 2A v2, in neutral tint.

How about a triple MT-G2 with 8AA’s?!

I dont get excited about many stock lights anymore now that I’m running my own business. Mostly I’m looking forward to getting a TK61 (host for my new BU_CK driver) and finishing up my TN30 UV build among others

Mostly I’m really excited about my new tint shifting light (built out of a nitecore Cx6 host), it will allow fully custom tint adjustments like how the Imalent tint shift lights work (but of course with much higher output and a much nicer UI and no stupid touch screen that runs at 8hz)

I’m looking forward for a keychain light replacement for my Lummi RAW… mine runs the R2 direct drive with a 14500 with a surprisingly throwy reflector.


also interested in the new Zebralight H302W

Sunwayman V12A, which is just a dream.

The next one!! I just got a D25Cvn today!

Friday I got a M25C2vn,it is getting tested tonight by Jmpaul320[Justin]!!

I am looking forward to the XM-L3 or XP-L2 leds whenever they are released. I wish someone made a compact thrower like the TX25C2 but added an infinitively variable adjustment ring. like the V11R, I would be all over it like a fat kid on a Twinkie. :smiley:

Oh yeah, looking to snap one for my bro…

I checked out the new version of Trunite Neutron before, and it’s a really temping buy, so much lumens from an AA. But I don’t really need another AA-light.

Same thing with the Eagle eye x6 BLF edition, so tempting. Really hard to resist at that price. But I don’t really need it.
I have to read up on the specs a bit more, but could anyone tell me if there is any lux at 1m readings for this? How is the throw?

Your Order Contains…

Cart Items SKU Qty Item Price Item Total
ThruNite Neutron 2A V2
(LED Color: Cool White)
(Expected release date is 1st Nov 2014)
SKU-D04DA2D9 1 $55.95 USD $55.95 USD

Just hit the buy button for my bro. This is going to be his first real flashlight. Pretty versatile light with 1AA/2AA and multi mode (moonlight to blazing high) config.