Why are there no 4xAA flooders?

That’s for sure about floody lights and hiking. With a thrower, you get ‘tunnel vision’, and are not able to see around you. To make matters worse, the hotspot is often just WAYYYYY to bright compared to everything around you, which both exacerbates the problem and almost hurts your eyes. Not to mention that hiking often goes with camping. And a throwy light doesn’t work to well at lighting up a campsite or illuminating an area for task lighting.

On one light that I wanted more flood from I lightly sanded the lens with 400 grit sandpaper and it essentially made it frosted and scattered the light in a much wider pattern. If you had a light you weren’t concerned about or had extra lenses sanding them would be another option.

So thats what I do with all the old plain lens after I have bought new AR lenses. Good idea!

Diffusion film is a reasonable solution, as is making your own “Orange Peel” reflector with some sort of clear finish from a rattle can. BUT, the best solution may be the Streamlight 4AA Propolymer light with the multiple LEDs. The single LED model is a good thrower, but also very usable. It has had good reviews ever since Candle Power Forums first tested it years ago! Good run time, bright, relatively inexpen$ive (This is the “Budget Light Forum,”right?) :slight_smile: and reliable. No Gee Whiz factor, but, you could do much worse! :cowboy_hat_face: