Why do you buy lights without High-CRI emitters?

Im also learning about the importance of R9.
Zebralight has been getting a lot of reports for Green Tint in their Cree LED High CRI offerings. Also true for the Olight S1 Mini High CRI w XP-G3, and in my experience also true of lights w N219c. When it comes to R9, Nichia 219b have much higher levels.

What the camera sees, and what the monitor shows, is not identical to what our eyes see, but photos can still add a lot of useful info, that words alone do not. People often confuse white balance with tint, a typical example is when someone claims their NW led shows colors better.

here is a NW low CRI led R9 content, compared to an N219b R9 content

I combined image clips from these posts by maukka

That Astrolux IS a High CRI light, with an R9 of 67. The NW Ti S Mini has an R9 of –22. They do look different from each other, “in real life” and also on a monitor.