Why is Olight so popular?


[citation needed]
I have an original iPhone SE from 2016 here, works fine. A friend has my old iPad Pro 1st gen from 2015, also works without issues.

Apple isn’t the only company that has done this - there have also been accusations and lawsuits about similar issues with some Android-based phones.

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Here’s the other side of this discussion: Specs. There are very few flashlight manufacturers who post accurate performance specs. I’m not talking about advertised specs that usually show the turn on output for candela and lumens, but ANSI, which is the nationally recognized standard. Even with runtime, Olight is very consistent (but so are other brands using their house batteries). There are very few lights that consistently meet this spec. Olight, in my testing, is the #1 brand that consistently meets or exceeds the ANSI spec. Fenix and Nitecore occasionally do, but not nearly as often.

Plus, professionals want a reliable light that performs consistently. Remember, Olight isn’t marketing to enthusiasts as their core demographic, so they don’t build lights geared towards that. A police officer, fire fire fighter or EMT probably wouldn’t carry a D4v2, Convoy M21A, or a D1 as a duty light. If you want a light with high CRI and Anduril with a bunch of LED and optic options, get a Convoy or Hank light.

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Oh cmon . Convoy have no flashlights for officers?

No, I don’t recommend them. No formal IP testing, no drop testing, no R&D, no or very limited warranty, no local support. Plus the UIs are not conducive to novice users who don’t need 12 mode groups. Convoy just now fielding decent buck and boost drivers. Good for a casual user, but for pros who need a light to turn on and be reliable in all conditions, not so much. In short, a budget light is a tough sell for something that may save your life.

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According to one Reddit user, the case was voluntarily withdrawn by the plaintiff.

Sure, but if I was in such a job, I’d carry a Weltool, Acebeam, or Fenix for that, not an Olight. What happens if the proprietary battery is empty so it can’t be swapped, and the proprietary charger isn’t to hand?

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…bla bla bla bla … bla bla and “One High Performance Cool White LED” now pay 129$

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Real question is “why is olight so popular for people with multiple lights?”.

For “regular” people, with one, maybe 2 lights, a plug and play illumination device does what they want, performs pretty good, and, to a lesser extent, looks different to maglite so one can feel smug that they’ve got something ‘special’ is ideal.

I’m not so riled by the proprietary cells as many seem to be… I’ve seen plenty of lithium cell snafus during my time on the forums, hot cells, inserted backwards, discharged to 0v, overcharged…what really surprises me is how robust modern cells are now!

If anyone can confirm- to sell battery things to Joe public, do batteries need to be UN tested/certified? I always assumed that was the reason for e.g. powertool batteries costing more than the sum of the cells.

For people with multiple lights (and therefore needing cell compatibility), yeah, I don’t understand the popularity so much. Having not owned an olight I can’t really comment, perhaps the designs just make a nice change from regular, boring, black tube lights?

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Real question is “why Olight is so overpriced?” :smile:

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I’ve not looked at ‘mainstream’ brands for a long time, is the Olight pricing much more than Nitecore/Fenix/etc?

Who cares about Olight, Fenix or Nitecore. And again why led lenser is so popular? Or maybe why black diamond is so popular? Or maybe why Petzl is so popular? Who cares here in BLF anyway ?!:smiley:

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There have been many valid reasons why people dislike the proprietary batteries, and I do agree; I’d much rather see them using standard cells. Whether it’s for safety, profit, or a combination of the two, lots of people here will avoid them because of that. I respect that. Similarly, if a person has had trouble with companies in the past, that does not get overlooked (I will never own a Motorola phone or use Verizon service because of bad customer service in the past). So refusing to support Olight for that reason makes sense too.

Those who simply dismiss them because they rarely have neutral or warm LEDS or because their lights are perceived to be priced high are just being petty and frankly are not adding anything to the discussion one way or the other.

As for comparing them to other companies, a lot of that comes down to opinion. Maybe somebody won’t buy a Fenix because of no shortcuts to low or turbo, or no actual moonlight, etc. Same reason why some people buy Honda, others Toyota (or Nissan, or Chevy, or VW…)

A recap of why they are popular: they have a great advertising department to reach mainstream consumers, they have efficient, regulated drivers, they publish their actual outputs, they have a user-friendly and useful ui. Other companies offer combinations of or all of these things too. So if you prefer Thrunite or Subaru, the choice is yours.

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Yes! My drone photos on my X75 video review gained heaps of sales, and yet, when asked to review their P18 I was only offered a coupon. I was so mad lol. When I published my X75 lumen and range measurements on BLF, my contact threatened me to remove it or it’ll damage my relationship with them and possibly other brands. As if they were going to start messaging other brands to stay away from me. I was absolutely shocked, even more so that I didn’t get that X75 for free.

It didn’t stop there. I was so poorly treated that I was almost in tears at one point. I sold that X75 immediately after my review because I couldn’t bare to look at it.

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Olight is competitively priced compared to the other big brands (Nitecore, Fenix, Cyansky, Spearas, Acebeam, Klarus, Brinyte, etc). Plus, Olight has items not offered by these other companies like the Olanterns.

AFAIK no, or a lot of stuff it’s really not required unless you’re trying to sell it for industrial-type uses. Also ETL certification meets requirements where they do exist and is cheaper.

I own other products with a removable standard li-ion that use a normal one, made by companies with an actual US presence (e.g. my geiger counter (what, doesn’t everyone have one? :rofl: ) takes a standard 18650).

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Hmm, maybe I’m misunderstanding requirements, I’ll have to look when I have time. Perhaps it’s batteries that aren’t “built in”?

And since you ask, yes I have one geiger built from a thru-hole kit, one of the pre-made LCD boards with a better tube, custom fit in a plastic case (with brute force, hot glue and a Dremel), one gamma scintillometer from the ?70’s, one “pocket” gamma scintillometer that was used in London 2012 Olympics, and one Ludlum meter :stuck_out_tongue:

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For the average USA consumer, delving into Anduril and other brands with very small or non-existent marketing to the USA is a no-go.

For a while, the brand to go to was Fenix. But they’ve stagnated, IMHO. Still make some great flashlights, but they really don’t step up their emitter offerings.

OLIGHT invested a lot in advertising and marketing through affiliates. Their brand awareness is pretty strong. And thus, they sell.

Their lower end lights are so cheap for them to make, they can offer them for free plus shipping during various sales campaigns. I’ve bought about 8 that way. I’m not buying any other flashlights from them, because I just don’t need them.

One exception I was going to make is the OLIGHT Marauder mini. I really like that design. But then I found the Noctigon DM1.12. It’s so great having full control over what emitters are installed. And Anduril v2? It’s terrific. So yeah, I’ll only pick up a Marauder mini if I find a great deal on a used one. I just don’t like the fact that there’s yet another proprietary battery.

“across the board” is the wrong phrase. It should be “within the brand”, which of course is much more limiting. It also means you if you’re on the road and lose your charger, well where are you going to find another one? Or battery for that matter?

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