why linear drivers (inefficient and limited current) are so popular?

I was looking at 7135 driver and I always wonder why everyone use it also. It make sense to use low number like 4 in circuit, but I see people with 20x of those chip on pcb and it seems a little confusing to me. why not use bigger transistor? a simple big but cheap mosfet will have better thermal and be cheaper.

also I read the 7135 datasheet and I notice you can also use this chip which can do 1A, call the 5710, about 3x the 7135 current capability at 1A, so why nobody use this one? Can easy make 3A led driver with just 3 of this 5710.


I don’t know. I guess that as long as the continuous discharge rating of the cell is not exceeded it won’t be too terrible. The discharge rating is stated for the whole discharge, not for a voltage range. I guess it’s between 12A and 15A depending on the step down voltage and driver efficiency, the 30Q is rated for 15A. If you are concerned you can always switch to a higher drain cell like the Molicel P26A.

What are the two legs beside the ground tab for? Those aren’t on the usual 7135 chip.

Edit: Back about 4 or 5 years ago, before Comfychair started experimenting with the big 07N02 MOSFET on a Qlite, the only way we could gain power was by stacking 7135’s. We were all pretty tired of it, for sure, so we ran with the FET options and most of us didn’t look back. I’ve recently stacked chips for use with the White Flat but other than that it’s been a while since I’d put 32 chips on a Qlite. :wink:

ggf, yes, of course… there are higher rated cells than the 30Q but that’s what I had free when I got the driver to test. :wink:

I don’t know electronics, other than all the mods I’ve done I wouldn’t know jack about a flashlight. But I worked in a lumber yard for many years carrying building materials and I know that it’s far easier to carry a heavy load when you’re fresh than when you’re exhausted. :slight_smile: Seems illogical to ask so much from something that has so little left to give…

As long as you don’t exceed the specs (probably 15A), you’re fine. Usually there’s also higher allowable current, as long as you don’t exceed a certain cell temperature. Something like 20A, but don’t exceed 75C. Burst currents can be even higher (for a few seconds).

Generally, they’re trying to make sure the cell doesn’t get too hot. If you’ve got it wrapped in insulation, you might have to stay below the continuous current rating.

I agree it would be nice to have an easier way to get more linear regulated current. Some discussion of this 5710 chip here.

It regulates on the high side of the LED so it’s not a simple drop in for the 7135.

I agree for higher current the efficiency is usually not bad compared to a typical buck driver. But for low current the efficiency of linear regulation is worse. An extreme example is the 2mm white flat whose voltage is ~2.75V at 0.5A which equates to about 2.75/4.2= 65% efficient.

EXCEPT for the fact the no cell remains at 4.2V under load… so with sag considered efficiency will be something better than that 65%, not much but still…

Also, a lot of chargers terminate at 4.16V or so, in that case efficiency would take another step forward…

True, it was just a simple approximation for low current.

The efficiency improves as the voltage difference decreases, so as both the voltage drop from circuit resistance increases and the LED voltage increases with current. Linear driver efficiency approaches 100% at direct drive, when it doesn’t drop any voltage.

It’s putting a strain on the cell when it can least afford it. Cell-voltage for sure will drop like a rock, and current-draw from a boost circuit will almost certainly want to maintain output, drawing even more current from the cell.

That’s why at least with linears, they’ll saturate and pull out of regulation as cell voltage drops below Vf + 0.1V, drawing less current, dimming the LED, letting you know it’s on its way out.

Yeah, but that seems to be way too soon when you’re dealing with a lot of 7135’s in parallel. For example, on my Convoy C8’s that have 8 x 7135 chips, they drop about 25% of their output by the time the cell is about half-drained (3.75v). This is using 30Q’s, so they should not have much voltage sag at 2.8A current (about 0.1v sag).

I am unimpressed with using linear drivers in high-output lights. Boost-drivers are the way to go. Or FET (for cheap lights), and just accept the fact that it’s going to drop output quickly.

Bad? What is bad from your perspective? What is the maximum amount of cell stress you are willing to let be?

I do not see how drawing more current at the lowest voltage levels can be any more bad. As long as you aren't overheating the cell or going much above its rated discharge current there's nothing really bad involved. The slight increase in drawn current at the end also trips the low voltage warning/protection a tad sooner, this can be seen as a good thing. :-)

Let me say that charging the cell to 4.2V and letting it rest for hours (or more) before use is in fact more detrimental for it than some increase in current draw just before end of discharge. And let me also say that the increase in current draw is not just at the end, but a general phenomenon happening from start to end due to the more or less constant power output and corresponding more or less required constant power input. More or less because driver efficiency progression matters, of course.

Rating: no big deal. :-D

Actually, that might be because all that current is being pushed through thin pc board traces and vias, not actual wires, through 2 sides of the board, yet.

Kinda like the difference between an exhaust manifold and exhaust header. Lots backpressure in the manifold, not much in the header.



It seems like the OP’s question was answered pretty thoroughly in the first page of comments.

FET, FET+1, FET+N+1, and 7135-only drivers are popular because:

  • They’re simple, easy, compact, cheap, and well-understood.
  • Designs for them are openly published.
  • They’re widely available.
  • They’re supported by a bunch of open-source firmware.
  • They’re easy to swap in to almost any light.
  • They work well enough for most common purposes.

Other types of drivers offer a few benefits though. They increase efficiency, they enable higher-voltage or in-series LEDs, they improve output regulation if done well, they can reduce heat on medium-high modes, and they decrease the frequency of posts complaining about FETs, 7135 chips, and PWM.

Someone could make fancier drivers more popular, but it hasn’t happened yet because:

  • They’re harder to design, so fewer people are able to.
  • They’re harder to fit inside small hosts.
  • Hardware development costs money.
  • The designs mostly aren’t open-source.
  • Aside from a couple common sizes, each light tends to need its own custom driver designed.
  • Although some have been created, the good ones haven’t really been widely available.
  • They’re generally not compatible with open-source firmware, and the code for them has mostly remained closed.

This can change though, if a skilled electrical engineer is willing to publish a bunch of open designs for several different form factors, make them compatible with open-source code (or at least open up the code written for them), and work with a manufacturer to make them easy to obtain. Perhaps get in on some BLF community projects. Basically, donate a whole lot of time, effort, and money to the community. And BLF has a tendency to burn out the most skilled circuit designers, because their work is in such high demand and they don’t really get paid for their work.

I’m at least trying to make firmware ready for newer drivers, whenever those drivers come into existence. Like, creating a hardware abstraction layer and porting it to a variety of different MCUs and types of drivers. That way, new hardware can be immediately compatible with several interfaces, and new interfaces can be immediately compatible with several types of hardware, and users can mix and match as desired. But I’m not doing the hardware side of that.

As mentioned, some of us (Mike C and myself, at least) are actively working with this chip.

Mike C’s thread

And a few of my recent designs (not promised to be perfect, still in testing… please don’t order unless you feel like gambling): 3A single sided, 17mm and 5A single sided for Emisar D1S

Interesting chip, but not a direct replacement for the 7135. More powerful and flexible, for sure. But it also has a slightly higher voltage drop. And if anyone knows of any chips similar to the 7135 / CN5710 / CN5711… feel free to share (or PM)!

Very nice, look like another fun project! Do you happen to have forum page you written about this drivers?

It looks pretty interesting. Any idea how it handles lower-voltage LEDs? Like, a red XP-E2 or XQ-E, for example, is down around 2V. I’m curious if it might be able to handle that or if it’d get too hot burning off so much extra voltage.

Voltage delta times current equals dissipated power. In this case it may be too much for a linear, though it depends on available cooling.

A buck converter is a lot better for low Vf emitters. Easy current output tuning and high efficiency. Used one a couple months ago for a friend's custom red XP-E2 SK98 build.

Can understand you may want to port your software, though. Porting to PIC or related microcontrollers found on available buck converters would help. Good luck in any case.

Cheers ^:)

The first few post and TK pretty well covered why there so popular but the history of the driver has alot to do with it to. These linear drivers came about in a completely different era than what we have now. Alot of batteries back then could hardly sustain 3 amps , especially the cheap fire brands. The top leds back then had a higher vf than now. Couple the higher vf leds with the tremendous voltage sag of most batteries back then and the linear driver was quite efficient in that era. It was the single best single cell driver out there. Easy to change the current by adding more 7135’s or unsoldering a few for less current. They were easy to mod and very very popular. As things progressed it’s hard to let go of what you know works good even if it’s outdated and starting to not be the best option. As it’s already been pointed out with today’s lower vf leds and the higher capable voltage of batteries under load it’s becoming not as efficient. But it’s still cheap, dependable, easy to find and highly moddable. Back when they came out they were the hottest thing since sliced bread. The very first one I remember looked like this.

It had no mcu for modes just on or off controlled by the switch. We use to master, slave two or more to achieve higher current’s, then the simpler 7135 piggy back method was born.
You have to keep in mind back when these came out, a led running at 1.5 amps was over driven. My memory’s a little foggy on this but I think it was the multi-die emitters that finally exceeded that. The SSC-P7 and the Cree MC-E, both had a high vf compared to today and the T6 xml was in there somewhere close.

Times change and their still very popular but I do feel its just a matter of time before the truth sets in and something better is developed.
I hope it comes from the good people right here on BLF. :wink:

Thanks for the narrative, and well said! That’s why I welcome ideas such as what dsk3 brought up in the OP. Even if it’s not the exact idea that gets brought to life, it sparks good discussion and might get some wheels turning in many minds. :beer: