Will it fit?

Will this reflector match this MCPCB ?
In truth, I don’t give myself great hopes, but would be nice.

Can’t really eyeball the dimensions. Wonder why no one can be bothered to give critical dimensions like that, eg, the radius of the holes from the center of the reflector/board.

Might just get the C8F board/reflector from Sofirn on AX…

Probably 43mm vs 51mm, but…

Hmm, wonder if that reflector would fit a 2D Mag…

I need 51mm.
I’m not sure. Mag reflector have about 52mm. This idea is :heart_eyes:

Found this thread:

User khas have 36mm ref, so maybe there’s a chance.

Worse comes to worse, you can take three 16mm boards and line ’em up under the reflector. Thermal epoxy could secure them in-place on the shelf once aligned. Or regular thermal goop and just let them “float”.

Or you could buy this and get what you need from it.

I have a Trustfire 3T6 and can check exact dimensions with a digital caliper if needed.

Anything to help.

I haven’t done it myself, but I have seen post where people modded those drop in’s I linked to fit a maglite.

I don’t know about that reflector, but I do know that that MCPCB isn’t a fit for any of these




I still have some Maglite hosts in C and D size and can caliper them as well if needed.
My understanding was that (back in the 3T6 days) the diameter of the 3T6 drop in needed to be downsized slightly with a file or Dremel rotary tool in order to snug down tightly into the head of a Maglite.

Definitely interested, if anyone has one of them and a caliper. :smiley:

Ah, how quickly we forget.
Back in my 100 to 250 watt massively overdriven incan days I could recite inside Mag head diameters in my sleep like a true flashaholic.
Time waits for no man.

That was what I had read also. I seen it done, just not by me.
Does this help “From a old friend” Maglite Dimensions Thread for modders

Perfect. Thanks 007. that is what I was remembering.

Ultimately and no matter the reflector measurements DIY MCPCBs can be crafted. Starting from 1.5mm thickness copper plate, mill both negative and positive tracks area to ≈0.114mm depth. Next apply Sekisui 5760 double sided thermal conductive tape into milled zone(s). At last, cut neg/pos tracks' shape out of 0.1mm copper sheet and then lay them down carefully over the tape mask. Some sort of isolation layer may be added on top of the copper sheet tracks where advisable. Should about work for as long as you don't mess badly with the tape layer…

I sent PM to KD and maxtoch store on ali. Maybe I will get the dimensions. We’ll see. I will do DIY MCPCB as a last resort.

Too high.

Ok. I received answer from Maxtoch. They sent me this pic:

Now, I’m waiting for reply from KD.