That’s the thing, I’m not judging by a single factor like weight, although I highly prioritize it. I also don’t want single-use batteries. Plus the lack of a reflector or lens I think makes it less versatile. Totally agree that finicky lights are not worth it.
I think the best products are well-optimized in relevant features to maximize usefulness for a given purpose, rather than maximized in one or two specs.
Oh that’s a very nice knife size! The image made it look bigger.
A neck lanyard isn’t for me. But that’s a nice collection you’ve got.
Yes, the RovyVon A series are quite appealing… except for price! I just can’t stomach paying more for a keychain light than the SP33.
I appreciate the pic of all of them together! I have yet to test out the C01S, but I’m not sure if the differences between those AAA lights would be noticeable in practice.
Yes, the Olight i1R is one of the best contenders. Sealed battery is maybe the biggest downside.
Thanks, but I’m not keen on non-rechargeable, button cells. That thing is next-level tiny, though! I like how they describe it as “tactical” haha
Quite right, but the charger is going to be a computer, which I’m virtually always in front of, so the keys will still be with me. This would be a bigger argument against a keychain USB drive since a file transfer can’t be interrupted, while charging a battery can. Despite this, my keychain USB drive has also proved itself useful to me. Also, in contrast to your use case, I sometimes go without cash or wallet, but not without keys. Different strokes for different folks!
Great sale price! Unfortunately shipping kills it for me at 66% of the flashlight cost.
Now for some news!
I’ve come to terms with the very real possibility that what I’m looking for may not exist. So I reached out to Sofirn to see if they would be interested in making something meeting my requirements.
It turns out they have plans to make a tiny EDC keychain light! Check out this thread with a group buy interest poll and to discuss the design: [Group Buy Interest Poll] Tiny EDC keychain light done right - BLF/Sofirn-style!