Win NITECORE TM26 or Fenix TK75 for Free from Aurabuy

I just joined … sounds like a great idea, i just have two questions:

1 - Your example doesnt add up for me?

For Example:
Assuming that it draws a lottery on January 22nd in US Time, and on January 21st, Apple’s closing stock price is 542.59. By the end of 11:59:59 pm PST on January 21st, there are 53872 people who join in the lucky draw, then the winning number is the Remainder of 20090323*59/53872=22002, which is 37313. So, the winning number is 37313.

My calculation:
20090323*59 = 1185329057
1185329057/53872 = 22002.6926232551232551232551

I may be having a dyslexic moment bu i cant see where the 37313 come from?

2 - What happens if the final calculation doesnt add up to a valid lottery number? Will a prize still be given away to an entrant?

What we calculate is the Remainder, which can ensure everyone have chance to win. At last, the apple stock price and the number of participants will decide what the remainder is.

Cannot get in , why …

did you register?

And your response completely fails to answer either of my two questions!

For the first question: our example doesnt add up for you ?

What it calculates is the remainder.

From wikipedia, remainder is the amount “left over” after the division of two integers which cannot be expressed with an integer quotient.

For example, 7/3=2 …… 1, which means integer quotient is 2, then the remainder is 1, and you will find 2*3+1=7

Your calculation: 1185329057/53872 = 22002.6926232551232551232551.

Actually, the 22002.6926232551232551232551 that your calculate is decimals quotient. However, what it calculate is the remainder, so it is 37313, and you will find 53872 * 22002 + 37313 = 1185329057 = 20090323*59.


For second question: What happens if the final calculation doesn’t add up to a valid lottery number?

Every lottery number is valid as we calculate the remainder.

For example, if 5 people join, the remainder for 5 it 0, 1 ,2 , 3 ,4 , which is the 5 lottery numbers that the entrants will has, so every lottery number is valid.

It seems a little complicated, do I explain clearly ?

I think about as clear as one can be … thanks Kevin :slight_smile:

But i’ll have to take your word for it on the calculation … because thats WAY over my head nowadays … dam i must have forgotten everything about maths i learnt in school (or perhaps i never really learnt anything to begin with haha).

Just enrolled, gunning for the TM26 :bigsmile:

Crossing my fingers. I just signed up!

We will announce the first winner in 5 hours, let see who he is.

We will announce the first winner in 5 hours, let’s see who he is.

The first winner has came out, click here to check→

nice.our tickets will work for the next draw or we have to take new tickets?

Yes, it is still valid and you still have three time to draw it.

Ok, I am seriously confused as to where you get your numbers still.

"20090323*58/753 = 1547461, which is 601." Huh?

Nevermind, I got it now.

I am curious how 601 was attained from 1547461 as well. :~

guyz its the remainder!!!


Ya but that's not exactly a clear term when it isn't explained.

Here is an easy to follow example for you guys:
- Apple stock ending at 435.40
- 1100 tickets

1.) 20090323 x 40 = 803,612,920

2.) 803,612,920 / 1100 = 730,557

3.) 730,557 x 1100 = 803,612,700

This is where the "remainder" comes in because step 1 is using the actual number and step 3 is using the rounded number.

4.) 803,612,920 - 803,612,700 = 220 is the winning ticket

I tried joining can’t figure out how to join the flashlight giveaway. The email said its for the iphone…

look at this link