Windows 7 help with freezing cursor

CCleaner can also clean the Registry, it allows you to save a back-up just in case the clean causes other problems. I have been using CCleaner for years, it automatically runs every day when I boot up the computer.

There have been occasions where Automatic Microsoft Updates have caused Registry issues, these have been repaired for me by CCleaner.

I am by far no expert in this, but this works for me.

If you have the data plug on a battery charger hooked up to a USB Port (for data collection) and the charger is powered up, and your mouse freezes, the charger might be the problem.

It is 64 bit, 16GB ram would not be much fun on Win32. I am up to date on windows update.

When the mouse problem started I only had one mouse connected. I plugged the onto mouse in to see if I could use that instead.

It is Logitech mouses Mx518 and Trackman Marble wheel (A old one). I am running them with MS drivers, not the Logitech ones.

I used the other mouse in another port, to eliminate hardware problems.

The problem can be due to a automatic windows update. I even got one yesterday.

Mostly I have seen this preventing a computer from turning on. I do not have any powered devices connected to my usb ports at the current time.

My data collection for the reviews are mostly done one a couple of small laptop computers

Funny,I've had similar problem maybe 2 weeks ago.Few minutes after PC turn on, mouse freezes(keyboard works).Few days later(I tried to solve the problem of course,but unsucessfully), weird sound came out of case and PC has shut down.I opened the case and processor cooler was at the bottom of case-plastic cooler carrier was broken,and cooler just fell of.Fixed that,and no problems with mouse freezing anymore.No sense,but worth to check cooler,maybe reapply fresh thermal grease.

Yep - Follow the directions in the link provided by koyotee.

I do this for a living and I can assure you it is something minor. If you are using Window Internet Explorer, sometimes the add-on’s can act up and cause this as well. If by following the instructions above does not resolve your issue, try this: Manage add-ons in Internet Explorer 11 - Microsoft Support

There is no need to re-install the OS for this minor issue. Get back to me if this does not work. Good Luck!

Use device manager to look at your USB ports and check the

'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power' setting

and make sure that is disabled for your USB ports

That checkmark is disabled and not checked.

Try reseating the memory or removing half at a time in case one module is failing. I had a problem with a USB port and just slightly bumping the module would restart the computer. Maybe lightly blow out the dust while you’re in there. Just make sure the air isn’t real dry and cold or the static may kill it permanently.

It has not had a mouse freezes since yesterday, I hope the first couple of steps has fixed it:


Disable of usb power down.

Last nights updates from Microsoft.

If the mouse freezes again, the next steps are:

Check the CPU cooler and vacuum it and surrounding stuff (Yes, I know how to be careful). I doubt it will help, but it is a long time ago I last cleaned it.

Refresh display driver.

And I did not use IE when the mouse froze, I prefer Firefox and with very few plugins.

when the mouse quits is it still lit up if optical?
had a box where mouse/kb would randomly die and when it recovered a burst of garbage would show up if you were typing in a form,ect.dead giveaway was the mouse would dim!
+5 was running at +4.1.
inspection of the 3 month old antec power supply showed both caps on +5 vented.
funny that no other symptoms were evident (yet).
the cap replacement fixed it.
another thing i would check is whether any high demand items are plugged into the usb.could be tripping the polyfuse and shutting off +5 to the mouse.

That is a very good question. If the problem can be reproduced in safe mode, then it is likely a hardware problem, like failing harddrive, unseated card or similar. If it can’t be reproduced in safe mode, then it is likely a software/driver problem.

If the problem is too infrequent to be easily reproduced, then you could try to update as many drivers as possible. Obviously the mouse driver, but also drivers for the graphics card, the motherboard and the harddrives.

I had similar problems in Linux when I updated to SSD. I experimented with different settings. Some of them would freeze the display and the mouse for a second or so. Can also happen when the computer is swapping virtual memory a lot. The swap may have higher priority than the mousedriver.

Also here are some good suggestions:

A few thoughts - but I don’t run Win 7 or 8. Look in Device Manager for conflicts, and perhaps check the memory addresses being used. Use CCleaner (which I think is great, but use it carefully until you have learned it) to disable unnecessary start-up items. You can save stuff to text files for restoring later. If you use Bluetooth, there is a small possibility that that could be crashing the mice. It did on one of my systems. Keep us posted with any further facts if it persists; there’s quite a team here.

When I had mouse freezing problem, the cause was clogged optical light hole at bottom with dirt.

I would install Logitech drivers.

If you tried everything in those two links…………the next thing I would do is install the latest mouse driver available for the mouse you are using. MS mouse drivers are not as universal as they need to be and occasionally they will choke when you get large updates. Get it from the manufacturer’s web site.

As I wrote before I have used two different mouse, i.e. it is not a hardware problem in the mouse. One of the mouses is optical, the other is a trackball.

I do not really see any reason to use Logitech drivers, when the MS ones does what I need. Remember the computer has run for more than a year (Probably two years) without any problems. I do check all the suggestions and if the mouse freezes again I will try some more.

At the current time it is working fine, no freeze in the last about 24 hours. It is considerable easier to write reviews when I do not have to reboot all the time. I expect to post a huge charger review Sunday. I did finish it today, now I just need to proofread it.

So……what exactly was the problem? Which ‘fix’ fixed the issue? Inquiring minds want to know.
For the record, when in doubt - always use the driver from the manufacturer. :slight_smile:

As I did write a couple of post before, I have done the following:


Disable of usb power down.

Last nights updates from Microsoft.

I do not know if the problem is fixed yet. If it runs a month without any cursor freezes I will declare it fixed.

There is also one point missing from the above, I am running a data stream from a usb device on the same controller as the mouses.

So………. there is no telling what fixed it.

If you think about it, everything plugged into a USB port streams data. That’s a non-issue. ALL USB devices stream some data of one kind or another unless it’s a power only device (charging). Mouse, keyboard, external drive - doesn’t matter - there is data either going to or coming from the device all the time. You can hook up to 127 USB devices to a single USB port. The only hang-up there is bandwidth. USB 2 is 480mbps or 60mb/s and USB 3 is up to 10 times greater at 4.8gbps or 600mb/s. Another major change that will improve the speed of USB 3.0 is full-duplex communication. This means that data can be sent to and from the peripheral at the same time. The previous USB 2.0 specification only provided half-duplex, meaning that devices and computers would have to switch off from one another in sending their data.

One of the big complaints that peripheral manufacturers had with USB 2.0 was the power limitations. Devices were restricted to just 500mA of power from a single powered port. This wasn’t always enough to power some devices requiring that they either piggy off a second USB 2.0 port or have an external power adapter. This is especially true of many larger external storage devices such as DVD burners and desktop sized hard drives. The maximum power for USB 3.0 devices has increased up to 900mA off single bus-powered ports. Additional power is also available for suspended and unconfigured devices.

If you don’t have USB 3 yet, get it. If you’re computer doesn’t have it built in you can get a plug in card to support it. That change alone will solve most if not all USB related problems.

Only when active. I have a couple of DMM's connected to usb and none of them stream data, except when I am using them.

Streaming data prevents windows from reducing priority on the hub, it might change the behaviour, but I doubt it.

I did it to see if the hub died when the mouse freezes, i.e. if the mouse freezes again I can just switch to the measuring app and see if it still streams data.