When I reviewed the Wowtac A2S, I swapped the emitter for an LH351D in 5000K, 90 CRI. I had planned to try this emitter in this light already when Arrow dropped the price to 74 cents. I bought several of them.
There’s essentially no change in output. It’s within the margin of error. One setup found a loss of 4%, and another found no loss at all. The beam shape and throw are essentially identical as well. What’s different is the tint and CRI, shown here with the XP-L on the left and the LH351D on the right. The XP-L is actually overexposing the green channel, which could make it look brighter, but it is not.
I’m trying to pressure Wowtac to use this emitter. They have expressed interest in community preferences, so I’m collecting data here.