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The more people sign up as reviewers, the more we will see multiple people posting reviews of the same product. Reviews are a form of Social Media Advertising. Same with people who post discount codes.

My concern is that we consumers, end up getting spammed repeatedly.

below you can see an example of how both freeme and M4D M4X are promoting the exact same product, with the same discount code, for chengdongling

banggood.com/IMALENT-DN35-XHP35-HI-2200LM-26650-USB-Rechargeable-LED-Flashlight-p-1114978.html?p=D01502341350201311C1&utm_source=bbs&utm_medium= fdd &utm_content= chendongling

banggood.com/IMALENT-DN35-XHP35-HI-2200LM-26650-USB-Rechargeable-LED-Flashlight-p-1114978.html?p=IO0117468906201403!A&utm_medium= Martin &utm_content= chendongling


As a buyer, I of course appreciate discount codes, and “reviews”. Im just pointing out that we dont need multiple reviewers.

moral of the story, choose who you want to support, user their link when you use a discount code. discount codes are all the same, its the link that gives credit to the person who did the Social Media Advertising.

Recently the Brass Tool got 6 “reviews” all at the same time. The light sold more than 3000 units. It was a very successful Social Media Advertising campaign. But the “reviews” were intentionally timed to be released simultaneously, and all the reviewers got the lights for free, from the same source. Basically it was a Marketing Blitz… That worked quite well… :slight_smile:

Nothing wrong with using multiple people to review, as far as the vendor is concerned, they all generate interest, and sales.

I’ve pretty much given up on the idea of doing reviews. With my limited budget I can’t really afford to jump on some new product and take a blind chance and there’s no sense in posting a ‘me too’ review of some product that’s reviewed to death already. Sure, I could buy a bunch of cheap junk lights and post glowing reviews to attract the attention of vendors and possibly be accepted as a reviewer but I’d be doing a disservice to potential buyers and trashing my name.

Maybe that’s the review she asked for :disappointed:

But you turned down quite a few experienced, honest, and impartial reviewers. :person_facepalming:

Swi provided me a Klarus XT12GT and I was one of the first people to have a review of on online with videos. I was very clear that my light wasnt perfect as it went pop within a week but they sorted that problem out. I would never lie to give a favorable review!

That was the model that the emitter couldn't produce the clamined output wasn't it? I rmember reading about what I'm thinking was that model.

Could be a different model.

People have been hard on Klarus. Mine just went pop. Short circuited and burnt out a load of things. There have been a few with driver issues but they are proper little pocket rockets for the size/cost

This had been a good while back. Pretty sure they upgraded few things and got it right.

I do remember issues with it.

Sometimes it happens. They rush a model into production. Many major companies have made that mistake.

I send an email a week ago, never got a reply :expressionless: