WowTac A6 // Compact-USB Rechargeable 18650 EDC // Full Review

Is the bezel glued down? How did you remove it?

No the bezel is not glued , at least back when I made this review.

I purchased two from Amazon in Dec 2020. Those both had glued bezels, but not very much. A heat gun and rubber gloves did the trick. Fun light to mod.

I’ve purchased 3 Wowtac 6s, all at different times.

None of them were glued. The bezel came off easily. I used a bit of 3M Safety Walk tape (grey rubber grip tape), to improve my grip.

Any idea where we can get this in Europe? Impossible to buy i guess now…

Amazon or Wowtac either one will not ship to you?..…they both show to have the A6 in stock is external)