January 14, 2016, 4:12pm
…One type I never tried, oil. It does not conduct electricity but heat it will conduct.
So I will make the area above the driver and below the LED shelf waterproof, attach some heatsinks to the bottom of the LED shelf and fill the whole space with oil to get the heat to the chunk of alu that makes up the housing.
Poses some challenges but an oil cooled torch just sounds too cool not to try
Definitely! Share when you do!
A quick search yielded this very interesting thread… Didn’t find a conclusion or final product, but it’s an interesting read!
I have seen some lights & mods where an XM-L has been driven to 6 amps plus, but usually always limited by the cooling ability/heatsinking of the light.
As the project Super Thrower is under construction, (BARRETT40) i have been pondering over a design of a hybrid Liquid cooling for the emitters using custom built copper heat-exchanger blocks, and a modified CPU cooling pump/radiator system from Performance Computer cooling parts. Being a custom Gamer PC builder, i have lots of L/C parts kickin…