WTS - 3 Light package blowout deal - Skyray 9T6, O-L 3AA Mag, Flex Asgard, $90 shipped CONUS

I would think If you removed the emitter and centering disk you could fit in the mtg2 but im not that experienced of a modder

And sure about the dibs.

As per PM I'll take the TC300. Funds sent. Thank you.

Monday bump. Send in your offers!

I don’t know how the O-L creation has lasted this long! That never happens!

I scored that unit. Someone needs to get that Shadow. I bet its a beast.

Bringith the free Bumpith!

Got my SKR KING & M6 flashlights…. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! BUMP

It looks nice, but it also looks like it’s only one mode, too bright, can’t stay on for long, and has a very cool tint. A bit long, too.

If it has dimmer modes, it might be a lot more interesting.

Hi Frank,

Offer sent to your PM.


Shadow SL3 sold.

Some take the last 4 lights for $135 shipped!

Take all 4 remaining lights for 125 shipped!

Final offer!

$120 Shipped


I paid about double that for all these.


Someone take the remaining 3 lights for $90 shipped.

O-L Mag 3AA
Skyray 9T6
Flex Asgard

Need the cash!