WTS : USB-UPDI Programmers for Attiny1616/AVR32DD20 drivers (Sofirn/Wurkkos/Fireflylite/Emisar)

Yeah apparently new user can’t send PMs, PM sent.

That link leads to a 6-strip version to welding maybe for two three-pine versions.

But you have several designs to choose in the same year.

What’s the best version to order?

With diode, three pins narrowed or two rows of six broad shapes, without diode.

It’s not to buy a house watching the circuit of the same thing as making them with cables, but it’s cleaner and safer with the pcb.

It’s for a Sofirn SC31Pro I see inside that it’s got three pad.

Thank you.

If you’re going for the SC21 Pro version, I would recommend the one I linked to. I highly recommend using a resistor and diode as part of your setup. Either you need to do that on the adapter board (like what I have linked) or on the USB to Serial adapter itself. I find it easier and more universal to leave the USB to Serial adapter alone and put everything on the pogo-pin board.

It is for a SC31Pro and for a TS10 I have seen or thought I saw 3 pads.

I don’t know if the terminals match the SC21Pro.

Thanks for the heads up maybe I’ll buy the competa board with usb 3 or both.

I have not seen the schematic but in the one you link it is possible to put 6 pins or so I see in the screenshot I put, instead the one in the photo is only 3 pins.

So in the absence of seeing the scheme will be for another arrangement of pins.

I checked it my SC31Pro does not look the same as the reviews in BLF, as shown in the picture if it has all three pads on it.

It looks like these last ones with Anduril 2 if they have pad and the TS10 I have not received it but I have seen pictures and the pads are there too.

Here is a screenshot of my unit.

Drive SP31Pro Anduril 2

Which firmware would you use?

In the list the most similar the Sofirn SP10Pro or SC36 t1616 there is not a specific one for SC31Pro.


If I am understanding this correctly, then the SC31Pro is running the same driver as SC36 t1616.

If nothing else, version check your light and see what it says.

1 Thank

Love this thing!

1 Thank

Ok! Perfect.


Yes, it’s perfect, I like it.

Although I have a programmer I could order just the PCB but it is more comfortable this board!

I already wrote a PM to buy it.

1 Thank

I decided to compile a list of Anduril-based Sofirn/Wurkkos flashlights and the pin headers they use (Sofirn/Wurkkos can revise the boards use and even the “Anduril model ID” based on the chip they used, so there may likely be other revisions other than the one I’ve encountered.

Anduril version  and pin header on Sofirn / Wurkkos flashlights

Sofirn SP10 Pro   (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '631'}
Sofirn SC21 Pro   (1x 6-pin)      {A1}
Sofirn SC31 Pro   (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '614'}    [has other revisions like A2 '612' which doesn't have pin header]
Sofirn SC31T Pro  (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '615'}

Sofirn IF25A      (no pin header) {A2 '612'}   [may have other revisions]

Sofirn SP36 BLF   (2x 4-pin)      {A2 '612'}   [may have other revisions]
Sofirn SP36 Pro   (2x 4-pin)      {A2 '612'}   [may have other revisions]
BLF Q8 Anduril    (no pin header) {A1}
Sofirn Q8 Pro     (no pin header) {A2 '611'}   [may have other revisions]  
Astrolux EC06     (2x 4-pin)      {A2 '611'}
Sofirn Q8 Plus    (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '614'}

Wurkkos TS10      (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '614' and A2 '714'}
Wurkkos TS11      (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '715'}
Wurkkos FC13      (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '715'}
Wurkkos TS21      (no pin header) {A2 '612'}
Wurkkos TS25      (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '715'}  {earlier batch: A2 '614'}

Wurkkos TS30S     (no pin header) {A1}
Wurkkos TS30S Pro (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '715'}

BLF LT1-Mini      (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '621'}
BLF LT1 "A2/A4"   (2x 4-pin)      {A2 '621'}    [has other earlier revisions]
BLF LT1 "A5"      (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '622'}
BLF LT1S Pro      (1x 3-pin)      {A2 '623'}

A1 = Anduril 1
A2 = Anduril 2
‘612’ ‘631’ ‘715’ etc = the model ID when using Anduril 2 version-check

(note: for the BLF LT1 lantern, there are many board revisions, from the Anduril 1 “rev4.3” and “rev5.0” boards, to the Anduril 2 with “Sofirn 1.0” marking and also “BLF-LT1-A2”, “BLF-LT1-A4”, “BLF-LT1-A5” board markings which may have different pinouts.)

I presume the 3-pin adapter means all use ATTiny1616 which are supported for flashing.

5 Thanks

Much appreciated!!


I’m also interested in buying one adapter.
Could you please clarify how I can do that?

Hi, i want a Flash Tool for my TS10. Somehow I can’t send you a direct message. Can you help me out. Thanks in advance.

PM sent.

Thank you @thefreeman for adding me. :slight_smile:

I’ve assembled and tested 30x USB-C to UPDI V2 adapters (designed by gchart, thank you!) in Australia.

There’s no light pointing down to illuminate the pads on this version.


For the record, my Wurkkos FC13 (running TK’s rev.727 from the multi-channel branch) blinks “0716” and not 715 at the start of the version sequence right after pressing 15C.

Ditto, “0714”.

So the SP36 Pro doesn’t have the 3 pin for 1616? Sofirn confirm the CPU is 1616

Sorry, my post was a question but I forgot “?”:sweat_smile:

ok, no prob and thanks for setting it straight.

But to answer your question: I don’t think so, the “into the head” pics I was able to find either showed no pads[1], or a very strange 4+4 (3+2?) arrangement[2] faintly resembling Hank’s.

[1] https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/thelab.gr/uploads/monthly_2021_07/large_20.jpg.8137f52944b349ea811a99cda18179e6.jpg

[2] https://1lumen.com/wp-content/uploads/sofirn-sp36pro-anduril2-6.jpg

I’m waiting for mine. After it arrived I do a pic

1 Thank

Please do and please tag me, the SP36 Pro is otherwise a perfect soda can light and I’d be very interested if there’s a new model or something with easily accessible flashing pads.

1 Thank