Wurkkos TS25 indicator button still broken

I got a “production” TS25. Unfortunately, the button indicator doesn’t work. Unlike other Anduril lights, you can’t have the button indicator on to help you find the light in the dark, only the aux lights are usable.

Do you think this is fixable via firmware update at some point? Or did Wurkkos just screw up the at the hardware level?

In the latest batch of the TS25 the indicator LED is not wired because Wurkkos wasn’t able to enable that option in the firmware. It will only show charging and powerbank function. It cannot be fixed by a firmware update.

That’s so disappointing. The button indicator light on the TS21 works correctly. I hate it when manufacturers do two steps forward and one step back.

agree, but, you could have known better if you had read this reply to your previous thread:

Ah yeah, you did add that info. I made the purchase before that update though. The indicator light was a surprise. I had the aux low level on my radar, but it didn’t seem like anyone knew about the indicator light at the time I asked it and was considering the purchase.

true, you asked before the Production model had been shipped and reviewed…

like you, I was hoping the switch button would have an indicator light… and was also disappointed it does not…

To be fair to Wurkkos though, the TS25 button is not “broken”.

Wurkkos has never claimed that the TS25 has a button indicator light.

I do think it would be great if Wurkkos could enable the button indicator light in future models.


That made me curious to see what they do say about the button light. On the site, it saids:

“Power indicator on side switch shows 5 seconds after turn on, power enough(green color), low power(red color),Very low (flashing red)”

I don’t know if this power indicator mode only works in simple mode vs advanced mode? Mine doesn’t seem to have that.

the green and red charge status LEDs were on the pre-production TS25 button

the production TS25 button only has a blue charging indicator LED, no other button light colors

these sorts of differences are best learned from first hand reports, once the actual product is shipped. There are often discrepancies in ad copy vs end product. And as new versions ship, ad copy may or may not be updated.

another recent example of this information gap, relates to the SC21 Pro. It has now been reported to be shipping with a version of Anduril 2. I only know this from buyers reports… I have not seen it mentioned in any ad copy, in fact ad copy presently shows Anduril 1, which was true in the past…

trust, but verify :wink:

A great life motto!