XinTD L2 - Pic Heavy

Thanks for the "business end" photos

Hikelite, thx for the thread and great pics! Would you happen to know the lux @ 1m? Also, how's it holding up?

I bet you probably can. I ordered my light with the stainless bezel and it came uninstalled. The light came with the aluminum bezel installed and the SS bezel was in a plastic bag and I had to remove the aluminum one and install the SS one. You might have to contact Hank though.

Nice pictures Hikelite.

Thanks guys!

Unfortunately, I do not have lux values for the light. The throw just slightly better than the TC6 (SMO reflector)

All has to be tight on this light otherwise it won't turn on. That is becasue all threads is anodized.

One advice would be take the brass cap out from the tailcap, to make sure it works smooth with any batteries, in any configuration.

Can anyone recommend a more powerful driver for this torch? I love the aggressive look and I'm sure it can handle much more heat generation or dissipation than the stock driver puts out. Thanks