XML and XML2 de-dome color temperature changes

huh. well, i’m more confident in my numbers now!

How is the qlite working out with 3 x C cells? Im guessing it runs well on 3.9V or less?

It’s OK, but the C cells can’t hold the current for long. The Qlite/XML2 drops out of regulation around 3.6V

Some beam shots. Domed on the left, de-domed on the right:

Nice! What equipment did you use to measure the kelvin temperature? Would it be a safe bet to assume a drop of about 1,500k give or take when dedoming a led?

So a dedome of a 0A or 0B tint led (8,000K) has the potential of turning into a 2B or 2C tint?


I haven’t dedomed enough stuff to be able to predict what the outcome will be…

For measuring color temp I used this:

It has a Taos TCS3210 color sensor chip. I calculate the color temp from the color channel readings.

Thanks for the beam shot comparisons. Very useful!

What exactly do you mean by resistance fixes?

thanks for the first actual quantitative measurement of colour temperature change upon dedoming that I have ever heard of

Thanx for the shots. What was the domed tint and de-domed tint here?

So you went from 3C to something in the area of 7B. Thats a huge change.

Domed 4820K went to de-domed 3068K

So what do you think if I used a XM-L2 1C 6000k, de-domed would it end up around 4500k? Looking to do the same mod with the Defiant.
Thanks for the great technical info Texaspyro, very useful information.

I dunno… one way to find out…

Wow, I did not think that photo was the 3C before and after de-dome :open_mouth:
The before dedome looks almost bluish, more like a 1A/1C. Must be the auto balance of the camera, or did you take the photo with fixed daylight white balance?

Are you implying that you may test it. :bigsmile:

1C is can be anywhere from 6100K to 6500K, not 6000K.

Those garage doors are a medium grey color, the pillar between them is a very light tan color. Camera settings were whatever it wants…

I don’t have a 6000K XML2 to try. I have a 6300K XML taking a bath right now…

That can’t be right because cnqualitygoods has I listed as 6000k to 6500k. :open_mouth: Lol
I was just speaking in general, but you are correct with a 1C tint.