You have a Flashlight addiction when:

aye carumba, the first thought before i read the description was what size of reflector is that :open_mouth:

you know you're an addict when ....An alkaline leaks all over one of your favorite lights and after you get a pile of white powder from the light you snort it all just so you can share the pain they tried to inflict on one of your babies .

... nobody puts baby in a coroner

Red Forman with that quote is so appropriate!

You have a Flashlight addiction, when you get bad news at the doctors, you get depressed and come home and order a light just to feel better :expressionless:

should we ask what kind of bad news?

It’s called retail therapy. :slight_smile:

I love this thread and don’t want to derail it. So let’s just say, I get to appreciate my time a lot more now :slight_smile:

the dealers are not helping much with all the sales they are having. (not that I am complaining… much)

I didn’t realize there is an official title for it :wink:

there are even research studies on this phenomenon :wink:

When a flashlight with the lumen numbers over 10,000 just looks “normal”

It’s been 9 years! But let me try it:

I had a dream of a zombie apocalypse and I have 3 of my flashlights on me with strobe to fend off the zombies. I handed two over to my friends and taught then the exact instruction on how to operate each - they all have different UIs and I can recall them in my dream flawlessly.

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I had a similar dream, with recalling the UIs, except I was night rabbit hunting and I had a blf gt90 and an imalent r90ts. I think there was also an andruil convoy!

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