Your best stock flashlight buy in 2014?

Lots of brand flashlights for me this year. Most of them are really good but most of them have one or two minor imperfections. For example DQG 26650 XPG2 triple is reallg good and bright, but the UI can be improved IMO. For example nitecore P12 is a quality light with simple but nice UI, but it is CW. :frowning:

Sunwayman D40A NW is an exception. It is perfect!

EagleTac D25A clicky
Niteye Eye10

Both purchased from members here, and both are new favorite EDC’s :slight_smile:

It’s a toss up for me, I bought what I feel are two really useful lights that work well together as EDC.

Fenix LD50 as my primary and Armytek Tiara A1 Pro as my secondary.