OPUS BT-C3100-Stock Fan VS. Top Tier Delta fan

yaaa, the little gap can not hurt,a little extra ventilation is good

The reason there is a gap is because I did not want to strip the screws like I did w/ King Opus! Also,It is not a perfect fit so once it starting getting tight enough I stopped tightening.

EDIT: The screws were not stripped. The fiberglass board[holes] got stripped.

Thanks,It is exciting to be a Flashaholic when through a learning process and help from others, we get to see results derived from manufacturers imperfections. :sunglasses:

Henry Xu is very accommodating and pretty efficient and reliable.

to me
Hi, Robert

With our new design, we have not fixed the fan size yet. If we can use two bearing type fan, I think the problem of fan reliability issue will be fixed, no matter ADDA fan or some other fan to be used.

We are still reviewing the fan internally.




This is in regards to the “NEWLY PLANNED GENERATION” OPUS which is due out in several months. This will be his present to me!

Jun 6 (1 day ago)

to me
Hi, Robert.

For discharge terminate, we will terminate at 2.7v with load of 1000mA. With this conidtion, it will be safe for batteries with protection.



I have asked him everything that I have needed to ask him. Now I wait to hear from him in several months when the charger comes out.

Sounds like a good plan to stop before stripping… it looks good. :slight_smile:

Henry Xu needs to make readily available replacement parts (Fans) that work in his products—That would be a good start for us past customers

OH… I just saw the info from Mr. Xu you posted. Thanks for posting it… :+1:
Interesting & sounds good…. like they are trying to get it right on the first try.
Dropping termination to 2.7 V also…… works for me. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for posting this info Robert. :+1:

yaa,he needs to upgrade the fan which he appears to be doing and also provide easily accessible replacements.

For me, I would not use his stock fans in mine anymore unless the newly designed one coming out has ZERO STOPPAGES during discharge. Even then I would probably put the Delta in. I love the results and actually listening to its impressive CFM!

I have 2 X Delta fans and I have a source[speaker_joe] to get more.

Opus would never put that high quality of a fan in because of costs.

For people curious like myself.

The reason the TOP of the fan protrudes more than the bottom[which is actually flush] is because when tightening the cover plate it pushes on the bottom of the fan and with no grooves to keep it in place, the top pushes out and protrudes.If the fan had grooves it would still stick out with the additional 1.5mm in depth. It would just be an even protrusion! lol!


5V DC??
Have you checked what voltage is applied to the fan?

The fan has a resistor to cover the other 7V.

I do not recall how “rdana” and HKJ explained it,but it works.

EDIT: Here is “rdana’s” answer. He is the ONLY one who sells the BT-C3400 V3.1

The original fan has an inline resistor added to it, this is why the fan is 5v, the terminal on the pcb is probably providing unregulated 12v (obviously the external PSU is regulated). The 5v fans is a probably the cheapest they could find and they just added a resistor to divide the voltage, I would think the gearbest fan is better at least in that regard. Do not use a 5V fan directly on that board, it will almost certainly blow out or die within days.

The ADDA fan w/ resistor is on the left.

Thank for the link gauss! :+1: . That explains it a whole lot better than anything I had found……… and I had looked. :wink:

Discharged at 1A

Group buy/Brand new 30Q BT from Liionwholesale.

New and improved BT-C3100 2.2 W/Top tier Delta fan-12V/0.12A/1.44W

4 Slot Median:2972mAh

HKJ:2884mAh with FT 30Q @ 1A

A little higher mAh than my other test w/ newish 30Q BT

That’s the range my last twenty 30Qs tested with my 3400—-Not a bad match at a little over 2%

No complaints with Prince Opus.

However, I will say that all my other tests with new batteries were under 1% and the other 30Q’s were a 4 slot median of 2890,Only 6mah off of HKJ! That was based on HKJ 2884 with FT not BT.

Button Top comparison,you be the judge! Mt. Elec. VS. Liionwholesale.

Mt.Elec. on Left/Liion on right

Next Two Pics- Mt. Elec. in middle

Much nicer BT with my hometown dealer. :+1:

The Mt. Elec. batteries are 2.5 months old,a much smaller button top.

Liionwholesale I got today.

looks reasonable considering age,batch to batch variance,treatment during storage,ect.

I agree to disagree!

2.5 months old is basically new.Not 2.5 years old!

Age has nothing to do with it in this case[very little wear] ~20 cycles in the TN42vn carrier.The difference is in HOW they are built.

Bottom line which the picture illustrates, is that the Liion BT is a bigger button top and obviously made by a different company and looks more durable.

Hmmmm…. As far as I am concerned there ain’t a dimes worth of difference between them from what can be seen in the picture.
The one on the right (Liionwholesale)is just a taller button top than the button top on the left from MTN.

While, if given a choice; I’d choose the taller one because of preference…… It does not mske it better or worse if both are installed in the same manner.

Just my .02 YMM, APW; V! :slight_smile:


You contradict yourself! Your saying there is not “A dimes worth of difference”, then you say the Liion one is a taller BT! That is the difference and is my whole point.

The Liion BT is more robust and in time has a better opportunity for contact.

I have some older E’tac that look like the Mt. Elec. battery and sometimes when inserted in my charger there is no contact and I have to jiggle it so there is contact.

If there was no difference then WHY would it be your preference?!