Gearbest's Father's Day Giveaway - 4 lights! WINNERS LIST IN POST 95

My father is nice and caring person. He always tries to teach me about work and life.
He is a construction worker and he teaches me about that, an I am teaching him about computers and electronics.
I also made him a flashlight lover and he loves to look when I mod them and encourages me at my hobby.

Great reading all these nice stories, thanks.
Trying to be a good dad for our 13 year old boy, he is not making stuff for father’s day anymore :wink:

I have a grown daughter who is off having a positive impact on the world which is your purpose as a parent.

My father was a man, much like every other man. He never found the answer, I’m not sure he was even seeking it.

My dad taught me how to stand up and pee in the woods/parking lot/corner potted plant.

That has made a huge world of difference in my life. Although I may have figured it out eventually.

Happy hour started at 3PM. :beer: :sunglasses: :+1:

My father, who passed on three years ago as of tomorrow, taught me that you don’t have to be the smartest, most educated, or richest to be successful. Helping others and loving those around you is all you need.

It’s over 14 years since I held my dad’s hand as he died. I can still picture the whole scene. Very sad, but I hope my kids can be around me when I die because I know that he knew I loved him.

Then repeat with mam, five years later.

Both sadly missed but the memories are just as fond.

My Dad always said do everything in life in moderation.

As I got older, I realized that this was very good advice.

On relationships, my father always said that once you meet the right person things would just fall into place without being too difficult, I was dubious until I met my incipient wife, never doubt the wisdom of your dear old dad!

My father taught me to be a good father :slight_smile:

My father always treated people like his family, with love and respect.

my dad once told me to stay away from his car until i get my driving license

Typical of new migrants back in the 60’s and 70’s when we were young dad was a factory worker at Ford and always had a second job for that extra bit of cash
He was working it pretty hard for us

I got a carton of cigarettes. “Hey, smoke up, Johnny!”

It was a banner fn year at the old Bender household…

The father is decisive in the life of every child. I’ve learned a lot from her and I’m learning to this day.

I learned from my dad to quit working on the road and go home to my family every night.

My father taught me to be an honest and courageous person.

My father did his utmost to give his five children the best future possible. He was a man of few words, but once he told me almost casual how proud he was of us. Sadly he passed away eleven years ago. Leaving a gap that can not be filled. Everytime I look in the mirror, a bit more of him is looking back.

My Father passed when I was 23. He was always a caring, unselfish parent who loved his family.

althought my father departed on early years on his life I always heard from him ’’ Always treat someone how you want to be treated’’ thats one of many life lessons i’ve always heard from him that i can share with my two kids.