FmC's 2017 DIY Handmade Build; U-Boat!

Who says Iā€™ve actually started!!??

Long weekend here, & Iā€™ve barely done anything aside from loose sleepā€¦. :person_facepalming:

The video I was referring to. Its more than I have at the moment. :slight_smile:
You can catch up on the sleep when you go back to work.

Build revealed in OP, & a few updates in post#2.

Wow Jack is super clever at helping. I wash the sacked assistants were just as helpful.
Your build has a lot of intrigue factor built straight into it. :slight_smile:

A little more work, post #3.

:+1: :+1: Delving into new fieldsā€¦. :smiley:

Thats going to be one big boat as I see your using a 45Kg gas bottle for the mold. Did you get a discount on a truck load of clay?

I may be crazy, but as you will not need it to deal with implosion pressures would it be easier to build it out of fiberglass or even carbon fiber?

it would be cool to have the (im assuming search lights) be water cooled.

heck get fancy and use the led(s) to make steam which drives the prop?

yes I know, crazy

you mean ā€œdivingā€ to new depths.

more like sinking to new depthsā€¦.

As long as the truck is also scaled to Jack-size, it shouldnā€™t cost too much :wink:

The body-stamp might not work yet, so Iā€™m still open to ideas :slight_smile:

Jack has been working really hard on the light engine, & he let it slip that it would in fact, be water-cooled :nerd_face:

Rather large update in post #4.

ā€¦& itā€™s :beer: time after that lotā€¦.

You got it working! Iā€™m already sold to this build :slight_smile: Fantastic!


I was sure it would work.

ā€¦Then I wasnā€™t sure for a whileā€¦

Then it worked! :partying_face:

Oh the trials and tribulationsā€¦.

Wow! I initially thought the ā€œboatā€ part would just be aesthetic. It actually propels forward! :open_mouth:

Just thinkingā€¦ might be more efficient with vaping coils, vs LEDs, no?

Definitely be more efficient, good idea - never thought of that.

Thereā€™s no doubt other methods as well, but my goal was to use the otherwise wasted heat from the LEDā€™s.

The claim to fame of this build is precisely that the propelling energy comes from waste heat from leds, and Iā€™m looking forward to see where the waste light from the propulsion will go to :slight_smile:

I agree on both points! :crown:

Another update in the Body section, Post #3.