TK's Emisar D4 review

> titanium
That’s encouraging.

TK, what’s the inside diameter to aim for, for a proper clip?

Pardon me for butting in. :smiley:

I used Solarforce clips like TK’s on my D1 and D4.

I slowly opened them to about 23mm in order to just clear the battery tube’s threads. I used a Dremel with a small sanding drum.

I put the the o-ring on after the clip, and it still seats nicely inside the lip of the tail cap.

I fashioned a brass ‘wave washer’ to make up the new gap between the end of the battery tube and its contact point against the tailcap PCB. What did you use, TK?

You’re calling 6Al4V Grade 5, I used Surgical Grade, which I’ve seen called Grade 23 or 6Al4V Eli, to make wedding bands. I’ve also made my 18500 scratch build Ti/Cu Quad from 6Al4V on the lathe I have, with very little experience and very little tool selection. Bored it, threaded it, shaped it. No coolant. (I might also ad I started a fire with it!)

I used CP Grade 2 to make the Ti plate like they put in my neck. Almost had more trouble drilling and tapping mount holes in a piece of 7075 Al.

Aim to get the Ti clip, and aim to flame it Gold. That Solarforce clip is too spacey, grabs only at the contact point. I have 2 of em, don’t think they’re for the D1, needs to be more elegant in my opinion.

I found a black clip that fits the D1 ok, but the black on the Green and Gold just really doesn’t work. Still thinking about making a new tail cap with bronze and mounting a screw on Ti clip to it. Guess I’ll figure all that out later, out of funds….

Newbie question! I’ve read this entire thread and just received my D4 in the mail yesterday. What an amazing piece of tech! Question is, if I set my temp to the highest (it blinks out 70C), I shouldn’t have to worry about the light getting so hot that it might wreck any of the electronics, right? Ie, it won’t desolder or anything… Let me know your thoughts! Thanks all. I’ve only recently gone down the flashlight rabbit hole and am loving reading this and other forums and learning from everyone! :slight_smile:

Are you wearing oven gloves :smiley:

I ordered what will be my 3rd D4. I just love these things!

What flavors you have to far, and what’s on the way?

I really want to get my hands on the D1S 18350 “Dolly” version. :smiley:

I don’t have the review up yet, but I got a D1S… and I have some bad news. It appears to use a slightly different tube than the D4/D1, so the shorty tube doesn’t work. I don’t know if Hank will offer a compatible shorty tube for the D1S.

It looks fabulously ridiculous in 18350 form though. It’s kind of awesome. I hope there will be a compatible tube. :smiley:


It’s also possible I have some sort of prototype which doesn’t represent the final product. I don’t know.

Every light I get seems to be some sort of prototype, I always have to finish them when they get here. :smiley: lol

Yeah… planning to make some changes. But I should finish a review first.

> a slightly different tube

Chà bu duō (差不多)?

Or as they say in the US, “close enough” works for games played with horseshoes and hand grenades …

… or nuclear warfare. :wink:

Used to say that all the time back in the late 60’s, early 70’s. Dang. Times have changed huh?

Close enough for government work, horseshoes, hand grenades or nuclear warfare.

Yep. I recall I was listening to NPR one time and they got a phone call in from a listener who said he worked under Cheyenne Mountain — the WW3 bunker.
He said “we don’t target cities, we target time zones”

I have been visiting their online store everyday. D1S could be the best mini thrower by far. I am not worried about the short tube as i never use them anyway.

:person_facepalming: Why did you have to show me that? :person_facepalming: