What did you mod today?

Does it throw better than XHP35 HI E2?

Yep when both drivers were stock, and both being CW, according to my light meter.

And now the E4 is boosted, YEP! Possibly more LUX gain when I shave the centering ring bar down, I opened up the holes in the bar and mcpcb slightly to allow more float, kept the mcpcb screws slightly loose, the spot didn’t look right after the re-flow, it needed better centering, loosened the head and tightened it a few times, floated it in, the spot looks great now crisper! It’s a Massive reflector, so any misalignment your going to see it, so is the meter!

You’ll see when you get yours and start messing with it…

Dropped a TA driver from Lexel into my MF01 today. Now I have no problems with the light. The UI is amazing I wish more lights came with such intuitive firmware that makes sense, but maybe it will happen now that Emisar and the BLF Q8 are out there. The LEDs are being driven as they should be and the light becomes too hot to touch at 30 seconds then holds heat for at least 4 minutes. With my approximating shoe box I’m reading around 15,000 lumens. That makes it twice as bright as my Q8 after bypasses and TLC.

BLF GT XHP70.2 Used the SD75 6volt XHP70 MCPCB and 2xSD75 (2S2P 8.4v) battery carriers in series, had to modify slightly to make the 2S (-) connection on the carriers, spring bypass’s. Running a Modified 30mm Hyperion FETDD (https://www.arrow.com/en/products/bsc009ne2ls5atma1/infineon-technologies-ag) Simple 5 modes, 18awg leads 20+ amps at the emitter depending on batteries. seen as high as 21.7amps VTC5A’s but running 8x30Q’s 20.2amps.

So far I have run these emitters thru the GT, and I’m not happy with them…the 5700k isn’t too bad, but I have 3 other emitter I’m going to try out,see if they work/look better……the XHP70B01D0BP240E to me looks like the exact tint that the Stock BLF GT XHP35HI NW 4000k looks like, if your into that flavor?

As a added bonus, the GT’s MCPCB fits the SD75 so I built one more SD75 XHP35 HI using Lexels E2-3A that I had in this GT before I converted it to XHP70.2

Really like the XHP35 HI E4-3A I purchased from Lexel, first time I have ever seen or used this bin/tint in a build, I should of purchased a couple more!!! :person_facepalming:

Yes, you should have, then sent me a few. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice work Kawi, very elaborate exchanges, still need some beam shots though. :slight_smile:

Today I putted in an SST40 in my heat colored L2 and TA OTSM 20mm driver. Still need to replace switch with a reverse clicky and make orange lighted tailcap and make some photos and beamshots from the end result.

And here is my shorty clear S2+ with stainless button with blue lighted tailcap and screw clip.

Nice looking shorty S2+ ZozzV6! What did you use for the lighted switch?

Same things and preparations as in this build
Some correction : You doesn’t need to grind down the steel button lower edge for clearance. it is good for more light coming out.
On the left grinded button with six led board. On the right stock button 2 led board:

For more info see” this topic
“:D.I.Y. Illuminated tailcap

Another standard Convoy S2+ mod. This one with an RMM 3 amp Moonlight Special driver and a Nichia 90+ CRI LED, but with a couple noteworthy (read time consuming) enhancements.

First, I trimmed down the driver retainer ring so I could screw down the driver rather than solder it in.

Second, I added a green lighted switch (read the most time consuming part).

I really like the warmer 4,000K tint that the Nichia LED produces. And considering how small the flashlight is, it still throws pretty well.

Here’s a link to my build (which I wrote to try to encourage others to consider modding): Convoy S2+ Mod With A Lighted Switch

Not a flashlight, but I changed my fog lights from 4000K to 2600K :slight_smile:

Sorry if it’s offtopic, but it makes me happy and I wanted to share it…

Emisar D4, RGB + White:

The 5 channel full ramping driver (FET+1 for white, red+green+blue) with 2 additional resistors for ultra low white moonlight and red indicator light, color channels pretty overdriven for about 1.5 Amps at each color XP-E2 (NOT recommended though):

Very nice beam:

Even nicer rosy beam with all LEDs on max current, about 1500 lumen (white LED is XP-G2):

Wonderful! That is a cool driver.

I had made a similar light two years ago with the DrJones RGBW driver, a Dsche quad board with some cuts, and a re-build Solarstorm SC02 (and it is still one of my favourites!), but the D4 makes it way easier.

Thanks, it were your posts about the color driver with D882 which made me build this driver. I’m using this light as EDC for about 3 weeks now and it’s the best EDC I ever had.

Thats one amazing clever mod Flashy Mike. Well done. :beer:

My adventures with that driver felt quite lonely, I do not think after me anyone has ever tried to use it like that. But i’m glad it inspired at least you :slight_smile:

Way cool, great out-of-the-box thinking guys, well done! :smiley:

Very nice :+1:

That’s interesting… What is the driver? How does it do 1.5A per color instead of 350mA? Do the chips get hot burning off the wide voltage gap for color LEDs? How low can the color ramps go? What is the firmware and interface like?

This reminds me I should probably finish a few more details on my RGBA firmware. It’s not intended for flashlight use though; it makes patterns which look more appropriate in a lightsaber. The general idea is that the user can make their saber’s illumination pattern(s) unique in much the same manner that one builds new sounds on an analog synthesizer. Except, um, simplified to make it more accessible using a single button.

Driver is my own design, Attiny 841 with FET + 7135 for white channel and 3x D882 transistors, one for each color channel. Got inspired by Djozz’ posts about a simple RGB driver with this transistors which Richard sold a while ago and Kaidomain still sells. Maximum current through color LEDs is controlled by the base resistors, and the D882 indeed get pretty hot since they are seriously overdriven with 1.5 Amps. For ‘standard’ users I would suggest higher base resistor values for lower LED currents. But I’m using the light for about 3 weeks now in this configuration, often fully powered, without any problems.

In addition there are resistors from mcu i/o-ports to both white and red LED for ultralow pwm-less moon (with sleeping mcu e. g.) and red indicator light (using the red LED).

As you recognized the lowest color ramp value would still be pretty bright so I increased the pwm range for the lower ramp part (which lowers the pwm frequency of course), but pwm frequency is switched back to about 16 kHz with higher currents. Color LEDs brightness at lowest ramp value is now similar to lowest 7135 level with white LED. Ramping is completely smooth.

UI is a ramping one, similar to Narsil, with some gimmics and optimized for color cycling.