Can't Log IN.

reset password, still only logging in on this pc.

will set it on for awhile.

I can log in and out with Win10 PC, Samsung TabS, and my Galaxy S6 phone, no problem. Logged in with all three right now.

Hi there,

This is usually the result of a misbehaving browser that is remembering the wrong username/password combination. Please try disabling that feature on the device that is giving you trouble, and temporarily change your password to something simple that you can manually type in. Also note that only your username works to log in, not your email address.

Hope this helps!

I deleted cookies and browsing data. I will do a restart. After I tried to reset password, it will let me in, but if I log out I have to reset password again.

At least I am here.

RobertB did you spit your gum out ?

Hi there, did you try setting your password to something simple and manually entering it?

Yes, I have reset password several times. I am on google chrome. I have un synced everything. All devices have been cleared of history , including password and autofill data.

all other devices are powered OFF

I will try to log out and log back in.

Nope , does not work. Am I doing something wrong?

Request password. Inter username. Answer question. Open email. Click link.

It opens a page that says one time reset. Click button. Takes me to my info page.

Type in new password, type in new password again. Save.

Go to Home Page. I am logged on and can post.

If I log off it won’t take the password I just set up in above instructions.

and I am chicken pecking my passwords. LOL

Just Me

Yes, I spit it out for the time being.

Caps lock? Is the first letter capped?

I remember not being able to sign in at one point and turns out the first letter of my password was capitalized but I don’t remember typing it in that way.

Checked my caps. Didn’t work.

Are you using your username of chadvone and not your email address to login? Did you disable your browser’s password remembering feature completely? Do you have any browser extensions, and if so, could you disable them all?

Sorry that I don’t have a quick solution, but it’s definitely an issue with your 1) username 2) password or 3) browser, because a static coded system can’t really randomly lose passwords for some users and not others.

I have disabled all extensions. Using chadvone.

I am now getting a “Not secure” next to Can't Log IN. - BLF Site-related Issues -

edit, the Not secure is probably my problem.

Just don’t know why

This is normal. It says that because it’s not https.

Not related to any password issue.

ok thanks. I did little searching, and someone on blade forums had this happen, and it just started working.

I have tried on chrome, edge, and android tablet.

I can still get here, I just have to do the password reset.

will see how thing are tomorrow

OK, thanks for testing that chadvone. I just sent you a PM to see what else we can do.

Let me know If I should do anything. I am still logged onto laptop.

Hi there, please respond to my PM. Thanks.

Yes, please try.