[M4D deal updated] Lumintop EDC18 $39.95 (FW3A in a classic body)

Hi M4D M4X,

Am I missing something? Where's the link to order the light? I never received an email even though I'm register for this groupbuy. Nothing in my spam folder either.

Please advise.

deal received Thanks!

Just purchased second … :slight_smile:

Design: Nichia 219C 4000K

maybe you had a typo?

did you receive the first mail direct after you filled in the Form?

Ordered 1x SST20. Thanks Martin!

Ordered one of the Nichia 219C Thanks!

I’ve lost track of this project, so I ask: will the 18350 tubes available?
Thanks in advance!

When are these expected to ship?

The banggood app says the 24th is the expected ship date if that means anything.

still no YES for the short tube :(

Neal tries to find a solution for a limited run

Thanks ordered.

dimensions of the flashlight and runtimes in xpl version are known?thank you

@vresto, since it has the same driver and LEDs as the FW3A, runtimes should be the same:

Dimensions? About the same as the FW3A. A bit smaller.

Pretty much same as FW3A.

runtimes depend on the cell you use (type, age, temperature etc) and which of the 150 levels you choose ;)

i should receive a final light next week and will give all dimensions

Didn’t you already do that in this video?

that one has a pressfit optic

I was not told about other major changes

goddish….again the same problem…….please,what would be better? this Lumintop or this Amutorch:

everything is similar…what will be brighter… :person_facepalming:

Don’t choose by which is brighter, go by user interface. This will determine if you like it or hate it.

low mid hi turbo is my mantra:)) more or less…no dimming) thats all:)