*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

The side directional reflector is a great idea. The more shiny the better. When will those be available? Cost?

This wait is going to kill me! Anyone have further info on batch 2? I know there’ll be more colors, but what exactly is going to change in the firmware? Also, did I hear correctly that it will be more scratch resistant? I know my C01 scratched like crazy. Hopefully this will be a good Christmas present to myself :smiley:

The scratching issue was in manufacturing and related to the diffuser. The changes there are to protect it during assembly. The part is likely unchanged.

Firmware - It had something to do with the default “medium” point in one of the ramping modes after a battery removal. (as best I can recall - search for Toykeeper posts - she explains in perfect detail somewhere) If you’re really concerned, the lantern firmware is updatable.

The only other item I can confirm is that there will be an AmishBill Special Edition with a layered dayglo finish. Availability will be limited though, as I only intend to make one and will be keeping it for myself. :partying_face:

The final updates to the interest list files linked to in post #1 have been updated here and here

You should carefully review them to be sure that your name is correctly spelled.

More information will be posted when Sofirn begins batch 2 sales and also when the notification process has been finalized.

Good job, thank you for doing it. So now what are you going to do with all your spare time?

Other than the last few weeks it didn’t take all that much time to be honest. But now I can spend more time looking for additional flashlights to buy :money_mouth_face:

You could start a raffle to see who could get closest to how many times folks will continue to ask to be added to the list…… I’ll take 264. :beer:

So I’ve been traveling overseas and just got back and received my message and code from 10/15. Is the group buy over already? I’ve been waiting forever for this thing and can’t find it on amazon.

We need to be patient. There has been a glitch. Everything will work out but for now shipping and ordering is on hold.

Haha……so far nobody has asked to be added but honestly I’m a bit surprised by that :slight_smile:

Sofirn has said that everyone on the list will get the lantern at the group price. Once production ramps up and the ordering process finalized then people will be able to buy again.

And as MtnDon said we just need to be patient :slight_smile:

Ok, here is the video explaining the accessories i been testing & using with the LT1 test lantern, (and original 2 prototypes)

The accessories i show in the video are listed below.

-Top hat reflector shade (for directing light down for overhead hanging, reading at a table, etc in the same manner as Coleman Lanterns shades do.

-Side directional shade ( for directing & increasing light in one direction to the side, (for creating a wider directional flood.

-paracord lanyard (for easier carrying, hanging from lines, branches, over head loops, tent loops, etc.

-charging cable (6 foot USB-C ( a heavy-duty longer charging & power cord for more remote charging & powering.

-Charging cable 12 volt direct Cig-socket ( for charging the lantern from 12-volt DC sources, like large power units, banks, car, RVs, etc.

-USB-C to 2.1x5mm adapter for 12 volt charging (adapter for connecting any of the common 2.1mm DC cord plugs to the lantern

-padded storage bag (for storage, packing in duffles, camp bags, etc. to protect the lantern from scratches, dings, etc.

-plastic wide base (To add stability & grip for uneven or angled surfaces

-Cap base for the lantern head when used without battery tube. ( to protect the driver contacts when using the lantern without the battery tube powered from USB-C sources.

-Accessory storage bag (for storing all the accessories.

I need to practice to record better videos, so bear with me in the video, also turn your volume up a bit, as my phone camera mic is not the best, and need to invest in a better video camera setup for these videos, and slow my talking down a bit. :smiley:

Definitely going to need both shades, the lanyard, the bottom cap, and a bag to fit all of that stuff along with the LT1. Great video Den.

IMO the solid white plastic top shade looks the best but the collapsible silicone is for sure the best option and most versatile.

A base cap that threads into the lantern head would be preferred over a slip over cap due to water intrusion.

Nice video DBSAR. So when will the accessories be available for purchase? Also any options for people who want a bundle of everything? :smiley:

A thread-in cap would be definitely better options with an o-ring. :+1:

We are unsure yet of Sofirn would build the accessories package, but we will look into it.

Turns out this is a solar panel I purchased also from ebay, not the LT1. It took the seller a day to upload shipping info, so I will continue patiently waiting . . . .

I still haven’t got a code, seems like everyone else did?

Your first entry is #1683. Only the first 500 got codes or ordered from the first batch of 500 LT1’s.

All of us who signed up after #501 will get codes when the second batch of 2500 units goes up for sale.

Gotcha. I seen the updated first post said something along the lines of the first 3000 were fulfilled. Must have misunderstood.
