Sofirn Aliexpress Store added some stock in US, Poland and Russian

Same here.
About my order, tracking does not work.

Well, my batteries arrived in the mail today… out of nowhere. Based on the IRs I’m seeing, I’m very skeptical of the 25A rating.

from 1th,Nov to 12,Nov

You are saying that Sofirn will have a lot of big sales going on from Nov 1 11 to Nov 12?
(Similar to a lot of other Chinese stores)

sorry, wrong typed, 11,Nov to 12.Nov

C8F and SP40 with some quantity in United states store house now, and in near future, sofirn Aliexpress store will have EU store house

Okay, so big 2 day sale.

Sofirn SP70 with 4700-5300K color temperature, Sofirn SC31B with 4000K color temperature, add to your cart and enjoy the 11.11 deals amazing price , do not forget get coupons before order.

Are there some special coupons for these two flashlights?

How much select coupons can we use on AE 11-11?
I managed to get some coupons :wink:

Sofirn, this is not cool: some 11-11 deals have a higher price than this afternoon (DF10, SP36, and likely more). I’m getting less excited over the sale if the deals change for the worse.

Noob question (I’m new to this kind of sales): Aren’t 11-11 prices fixed as announced? At least, are they fixed for things I have in my cart?

Well, apparently not :neutral_face:


Then buy before or after the sale. Duh. Problem solved. Lol :smiley:

I don’t understand why anyone would get upset.

Prices always fluctuate, if you don’t need it right away, wait for the price to drop. That’s what I do (assuming I care enough to save a few bucks).

It is their store and their prices so it is ok to increase the deal prices after showing a lower price first, I just mention that it is not cool to do that and it is not good for the trust.

Upset is a strong word for how I feel about it, but I was a bit unpleasantly surprised about it because It is the first time that I notice such a thing. And it implies that I must stay alert to the last minute if a deal is still a deal or not, not my favourite type of shopping.

Sofirn SP33v3.0 has been listed in AliExpress since a few weeks ago (but listed as “sold out” so that it cannot be purchased yet).

I notice that BG now lists the SP33v3.0

and its price appears to be basically the same as the one in Sofirn’s AliExpress store. (and for BG, if one has accumulated some BG points, they appear to be usable on the item to lower the price some more, making it cheaper than the one from the Sofirn AliExpress store). Granted, expected shipping time is still “on Nov 24”.

I can not believe how time flies!

Another 11.11 is coming, and this will be the best price in history and in the future I guess. So it’s might be a last chance to have all these selection at such low price.

The song in my brain again “Just one last dance. before we say goodbye, when we sway and turn around and round and round, it’s like the first time……”

Wow, now I have another singer to follow - thanks for that reference!

CODE FOR SP33V3.0 AND IF25 UPDATE (valid time 11,Nov to 13,Nov):
$5 code for SP33V3.0———SP33V3005
$4 code for IF25——————IF25004