【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

i think it’s better to make same samples ,then take some photos and upload it here

Oh MAN a vibrant orange would be amazing. Hard to get it perfect though.

Can we expect H1 with TIR optic?


About H1 headlamp, maybe we could expect something more than just TIR optics? :smiley:
H2? With this better straps and a plastic holder, like Armytek has (and Skilhunt now as well), rubber rings to attach headlamp are not as good.

L6 in orange like the Astrolux A01. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Does the XHP35 HI work well in the L6? :stuck_out_tongue:

This orange is great, but I thought about black flashlight with two elements matching together, like orange button + orange something else

This S12 host turns out to be very modding friendly. Put there 3x XP-E2 red 620nm - very nice beam, large hotspot but still throwy.
This is going to be my summer torch since it should not attract insects.

Wow, stock driver? Will the XP-E2 take 2 amps each for very long?

Yes, stock, just the leds swapped. I use single Xp-e2 in my rear bike light, pulsate up to 4,2A. Works 2 years now, no issues.
So I expect here no issues either…

Nice build. Convoy does seem to keep flexibility in the builds.

Simon, do you offer for this service?

uh ,it needs special driver
the input voltage of red LED is 2.0-2.6V

My experience with XP-E2 red is very positive. I’ve made oround 5 pcs of bike rear light for me and friends. Lights driven by by drivers from intl-outdoor, some work with added AMCs to raise current to 4,2A (those work in blinking mode). None of these leds ever caused problems. All work fine up to this day, some for nearly 2 years.

Hi 1strein,

could you send some photos of bike rear redlight you made? I plan to do some light as well. Still not sure, what driver to use and how to solve a slow blink mod.

HI. Pictures won’t tell you much. Regular S2+ Convoy with wide beam Carclo lens (120deg i believe). The key is the driver. It’s custom made based on one from intl-outdoor. You can buy it Here or I can send you contact and manual in Polish.

The driver can be configured. Many blinking and pulsating options.

Hey guys.
What do you think about Anduril firmware for Convoy flashlights?
Is it possible?

On the stock drivers… probably not. Anduril can work on a dual switch light, but I’m pretty sure not on a mechanical-only.

The next check for things like the L6 is the driver MCU and also flashing pins/connections… I’ll leave that to people far more knowledgeable than I.

I think, it’s not possible with actual drivers. And they need an e-switch of cause.
Flashlights with e-switch are: M3, S9, L6, H1
Some other side-switch flashlights has reverse clicky, like BD-series or M4U

I would love to see more BLF-drivers in convoy-flashlights.

Does anyone know what it would take to replace the S12 reverse clicky:


with the taller Convoy forward clicky:


I am assuming a longer rubber switch boot is necessary after the switch is replaced via soldering.

Hi Simon. Any news since then? Is development in progress?