Which movie did you watch lastֻ

Last movie I saw was the second Iron Sky movie on Netflix. It was ok, but the first one was much better.

Last movie I saw in the theater was Midway. It was excellent. Highly recommended for anyone who likes war movies.

Saw “A Hologram for the King.” Tom Hanks movie. Didn’t do well at box office. It popped up on NetFlix & thought I’d give it a go.

I have to say, I was really impressed. It’s a bit of a boring premise, but it takes some very interesting turns. It sheds quite a lot of light on what the business side of Saudi Arabia is like. Hanks was very believable.

Not technically a movie, but if anyone’s interested, there’s a series that just came out about Bobo Fett’s early years or something.

Think only 3 eps came out so far, will hopefully “binge watch” if I have the time. It’s supposed to be really good.

Went to see “Playing with Fire” it’s cute but there’s nothing special about it. Catch this one on *flix or *box or something. It wasn’t baaad but it wasn’t good either.

If you’re looking for a feel good, family friendly movie (that you haven’t seen a million times) this Turkey day weekend maybe check out “The Peanut Butter Falcon”. It’s out on video now and worth seeing.

Watched The Irishman last night after I got home from work, didn’t realize it was a 3.5h movie!

Also didn’t realize till about an hour in it was a Scorsese film.

I saw Antichrist (2009).

This one is not suitable for the kids.

The sex and violence are over the top.

Most of the movie is pretty slow, but when things do happen, they are pretty memorable.

Willem Dafoe does an excellent job.

I'd say the film is better than average, but it's not good enough for me to recommend it.

The Mandalorian takes place couple years after the fall of the empire, between episode VI and VII, two familiar characters lead the series but they’re not directly related to the ones we already know. It can get slow paced at times and reminds me of the original trilogy with its use of practical effects and good old fashioned dialog/action scenes. Great series even for someone who’s not into star wars, and amazing for someone who does.

Knives Out this past Friday.

Very good ‘who done it’ with a stellar ensemble cast.


And amazingly enough, neither of the Mandylor brothers are in it! Neither Costas nor Louis.

Eh, anyway… what’s with them always wearing helmets, even inside and at dinner? Caught one scene where Mamma Mandylor (with little horns on her helmet) was chastising the brothers who were duking it out at the dinner-table.

At least Darth Vader had the excuse that he was cooked in lava and looked like Egg Head (hard-boiled, haha) underneath his helmet, but what’s their deal? In the clone SW movie, at least Django Fett looked normal, and didn’t wear a helmet all the time.

That IS weird. It makes no sense. I can’t imagine that helmet being so comfortable that you’d never want to take it off. Even while eating? Boba Fett is humanoid. So there is a biological being inside, which needs periodic cleaning. Unless the helmet has some kind of built-in hair salon mechanism? :smiley:

Anyway, haven’t seen it yet. Don’t have CBS Access… :frowning:

Worse, what about hair growing and falling out, your ears sweating and getting itchy ’til you’re dying for a Q-tip™, eating, brushing your teeth, taking a shower for f’s sake. Eww.

And what happens if you sneeze??

Like people were getting all in a wad over the “Judge Dredd” remake, “Ewww, Karl Urban sucks! The ‘real’ Judge Dredd never ever ever ever took off his helmet!”.

Dat just nasty… Naaaaas-ty.

Who needs it? :laughing:

Just finished it today. Watched it in two parts. A good mobster flick with a lot of heavy hitters in it.

That’s what I might have to do, else I’ll never get the chance.

^ Two straight days of freezing rain, sleet and snow. Good time to hunker down and watch a movie.

Yeah, all today I was looking at the wx radar, and it looked like a smokestack somewhere in Joisey billowing rain’n’snow in a ccw swirl, with the bulk of it just haaaaaaaaaaaaaanging over my area.

Was hoping to wait it out for a lull, but it never happened, so I had to go grab lunch in the middle of it.

Imagine it’ll be the same tonight and tomorrow.

Finally got into Mandalorian, up to 3rd episode. Have to say, production values are absolutely amazing. I’m also impressed with the pace. It’s “natural,” not rushed as you see in so many sci-fi movies & Star Wars productions these days. Nice seeing Carl Weathers and Werner Herzog. Amazing how they made up the character for Nick Nolte. You can still tell it’s him, even though the mask is a facsimile (Nolte acts all his lines in a sound booth). “I have spoken!” Love it.

Interview with Herzog, he says this:

Spot on, IMHO.

Just refreshed that hilarious movie, unrated edition :slight_smile:
Team America

They can take their helmets off, they just can’t do it in front of others.


yeah, finally got to that episode. :sunglasses:
