Astrolux HL01 1200Lumen magnetic angle/headlight groupbuy

Hey, I was hoping for the code, thanks so very much!

I’m interested

I’m interested.

all PMs sent

did i miss someone?

Yes, me :wink:

Not sure I want an Anduril flashlight on my head … I hope they bugtest this properly :smiley:

Hi… Is the clip reversible? Any pic of the clip installed at the head/reflector side?

Order placed for the light/battery combo thanks

thanks! :beer:

how much throw in meters can we expect from this light ?

In for 1, sst20 4k

I would be interested in one of these if possible. Thanks!

Thanks for the pics of the clip installed - it shows me that with head-up carry, the clip can be rotated completely around the lamp without interference, which is what I want.

I still don’t understand the design of these deep carry clips that can’t actually be used for deep carry until they are bent by the end user to allow the pocket or belt to get past the tube ring clamp. Seems like some slight modifications by the manufacturer. The same clip was on my BLF A6 and I couldn’t get it on my pocket until reshaping it with two pair of pliers.

The clip won’t stop me from purchasing, though. It’s quite sturdy and holds well, once shaped properly.

Thanks Martin

Ordered, thank you kindly!


My order status on BG shows an estimated ship date of tomorrow, hopefully it’s accurate?


Now it said January 2 for me at least.