[FIXED] I give up on these forums - any other iPad users out there?

Just a hint, I'm in IT and I support the products that the first two letters of my username represent. I bought an iPad because I don't like putting a Windows XP or W7 laptop on standby and the iPad offers me the ability to almost instantly use my portable device instead of waiting for WXP or W7 to boot. I can have Safari up and running faster than my son's i7 laptop can get through POST. Oh, yeah, and this icrap doesn't cook my thighs or require a laptop cooler. The 8 hour battery life is nothing to sneeze at, neither. Microsoft and Android are still trying to catch up to IOS. BTW, MCP, MCSE, A+ certified here. Been using PCs since the DOS days.

Good to know that the problems that I'm experiencing aren't limited to just me. I'll see about switching to HTML.

Hello PCC,

You have two other options that suck slightly less than safari. One you have to pay forand one that's free.

Try giving Rover a try before you go the pay route. Rover is free. Safari is just a crappy browser, pain and simple, because it lacks flash support.

Safari sucks on the iPad. Not so bad on the iMac, but I preferFirefox. iPhone is a challenge too. If I'm doing posts with pics, it's going to be on my PC at work or the iMac at home. Every platform has issues, some way or another. Don't need a lecture about one vs the other - I was using a PC before there was a PC. Apple computer is so far a ahead of Windows, there's no comparison.

Thanks! You've reminded me that I had downloaded the Terra browser so I'm giving it a try right now. With rich-text enabled it does the annoying spell check thing, but, with it disabled it seems to work. I think I may have figured out how to post pictures, too.

Yep.. it has started already :bigsmile: Refer to this post

I don't really have the patience to do much posting/editing with my tablet. Whether it's an iPad or an Android, I find it obnoxious when I have a perfectly good laptop to use. I find it wonderful for couch surfing though :)

I've tried Linux on a few occasions and just couldn't get comfortable with it. I couldn't find a real competitor to the UI you get with iOS or Windows. It still seems geared towards programmers and that's not what I want with my OS. I really do like the ability to customize, but in a user friendly way. That's one of the reasons I prefer Android over the iPad. I can make it closer to a computer while retaining its tablet characteristics. That, and I already admitted I'm a hater, haha (I'm also currently an HP hater and Sony hater for specific reasons)

Step 1 - turn off the autocorrect/suggestion thingy in the settings. It will save you some frustration.

Step 2 - dont plan on making too many threads while using the ipad. Best to just read with it.

Step 3 - realize that sometimes "simple" can be complicated.

Works great on my 10.1" Motorolla Xoom with Android, also works great on my HTC Incredible 2 with Android.

The problem with I phone, they make things they way they make them and expects everyone else to adapt to make their products iPhone/iPad compatable.

Android makes their products compatible with what is already common/normal.

Anyway.. try downloading another browser, Opera Mini or Dolphin are the most talked about on other forums when it comes to iPhones and iPads.

I only really use it for text posting, anything that needs pictures has to wait till I get to a computer (both PC and Mac)

Its just too much hassle on any mobile platform at this stage. Well, its that much easier and faster when uploading and editing on a computer as opposed to a mobile device.

The thing is, I can post in UBB forums just fine, link to pictures, etc, on the iPad. I just can't do that easily [i]here[/i]. It's like I have to learn how to post in forums all over again and it's annoying.

I just really want to say thank you for you extremely helpful and mature post, we need more members that are as helpful to fellow members.

Honestly I can't stand the iPad for anything but viewing web pages and photos. I received it as an xmas gift and use it every day for about 2 hours at night to read in bed. I much prefer my laptop but the iPad is so easy to boot, no cords etc, and very light.

I really hate it compared to my laptop but apparently laziness wins out over functionability :)

What is MCSE? “Must Consult Someone Else” or “Minesweeper Consultant and Solitaire Expert”?

I am yet to see somebody with CCIE use an iPad.


Your fault for buying an iPad, iCrap is just that, crap.


Is it my imagination or does this forum get less helpful/friendly every day?

Why would new users want to come here and post about a problem they are having and basically be told they are an inferior uneducated moron?

Lol, I just hate the Apple sheep mentality.


If you have any other issues or concerns about your iPad please feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to try to help you out.

posting this via my ice cream sandwich tablet


Just tried posting with Google Chrome running on my Android phone. Works fine so far.

I think it's a little late to be LOLing.

How does using an Apple product turn the user into a sheep?

Is the driver of a Toyota a sheep? After all it is the biggest selling car in the world.

The system the user chooses to use is irrelevant, it could be Windows, Android or MS DOS.

Surely using an Ipad makes the user anything but a sheep, there are by far more Windows users throughout the world that IOS.

I think it's time you yourself stopped being a sheep by following the Apple haters and to have an educated opinion of your own instead of regurgitating the BS you've read else where on the net.

The sheep argument just doesn't make too much sense.

I really like the Dolphin browser on my Android 4.0 tablet... much better than Firefox for android (which I use for WIN7) and the integrated Google one. I believe it's free and available for Ipad users also? Have you tried switching the browser from tablet mode to normal desktop mode? (many browsers allow that..in Dolphin it is called )

As far as Apple goes .... they make great products that work out of the box... but I don't like their restrictive policies very much. BLF is not the time or the place for flame wars... they are prone to get out of hand... you now how people are that defend their "religion". ;-)

"I'm not part of your system, MAN!"

"Wake up, SHEEPLE!"

That's you. That's what you sound like.