What will beat the Fenix RC40?

You’re too modest, Tom. I am now seriously lamenting missing the recent $87 Ali promotion deal on the BTU Shocker (Xm-L’s, only, but you’d need to salvage some serious copper to approach Tom’s feat). If you were so inclined I think you’d find it hard to meet demand for your modded Super Shocker. I am now in search for such a light, after a strange encounter last night.

I was walking my dog last night on leash, towards a nearby park, when I heard a metallic rattling noise. As I approached a particular house, I realized that the A-hole that lived there had opened the gate to his fenced-in yard to let his exaggeratedly short-legged, fat, big-headed fake Pitbull attack me and my sweet, rescued (but genuine and gentle) Pitbull.

Fortunately, I had my brightest light, an XinTd C8 V4, in hand to shine in his dogs eyes while yelling “get back” at the same time, all while keeping my dog away so he wouldn’t grab ahold of the dog trying to protect me. Fortunately, I was successful in halting the dog’s attack, but when I shined my light across the young man’s yard, I spotted him standing at the far corner of his house just silently watching the event.

When my light hit him and I kept it there while processing what kind of idiot would let their dog loose to attack someone on a public road, he then shone his (seemingly) brighter flashlight (with a big head, but seemed more a flooder) toward me and said, I got a flashlight, too. It’s at that moment that I wished for a brighter light, so that when I informed him that he was legally responsible in FL for keeping his dog contained, and that if his dog did any damage on a public road, he would be fully liable, it would have had the explanation mark of at least double his lumens driving the point into his alcohol-stupored brain.

When and if he had then still responded (as he ignorantly did) that I shouldn’t be walking my dog after dark (his speech clearly that of a drunk person), causing his dog to bark, I would have then shone my SS Shocker onto the public road (that I was on the opposite side of) and told him that my walking on a public road was both lawful & irrelevant to his legal obligations, which would be heavy if his dog caused any harm on public property.

Apparently, he can’t bear his dog’s incessant barking each time someone passes, so in his drunken state, he blamed an innocent passerby (me), instead. Partly because of my doubts that he’s intelligent enough to explore other alternatives, such as training, shock collar, larynx surgery, keeping the dog inside, etc, I want a light bright enough to see if the gate is open well in advance, and partly because I just enjoy lumens, I am now on a quest to come up with a blindingly super-bright, super thrower light for this particular part of my daily walks.

Take some pepper spray and show the dog why not to claim the street as its “territory” next time.

they probably have my address on a watch list lol, I just hope England’s customs are reasonable with me at this end…. :bigsmile:

Not really accurately enough to want to post it. I know it walks all over a stock Shocker and has way more runtime with the 26650’s. I also took out the IO driver and put the DRY driver back in I just re-wired the DRY with heavy wire. I like it much better and they are both direct drive on high anyway. So the J-19 is set up and rocking right now. I also like the four modes on the DRY better than the three modes on the IO driver. I’m giving up for now on the MT-G2 triple. I spent too much on fried drivers already. I have a double MT-G2 and it’s great so for now it will have to do.

It’s marked as “Gift” for what that’s worth. I did insure it though. I have never had to bribe anyone in England’s customs yet. Although I shipped a high end Les Paul to Venezuela once and paid a bribe to a customs official there. They have a $600 a year limit on buying from out of country via internet. Good thing they are all corrupt as hell.

Great idea, B42! Funny how guns and knives are the first things to come to mind here in the U.S. for self-defense. It’s fortunate for both me and the idiot that his dog was not as committed as his owner obviously thought he was to take on my dog.

I had a locking folder in my pocket that could have come out if needed. The idea of spraying mace or pepper spray is much better, especially under those circumstances, since it would repel the dog without permanent injury or death to the innocent animal (look at the owner, instead). It would also avoid giving the idiot hiding in the dark with who-knows-what kind of weaponry as much a reason to escalate the situation.

Anyone have a recommendation on where to buy some?

Exactly. I’m also from the US btw, and though I could carry one even concealed, I don’t tend to carry and would always choose to try to solve the situation with the least possible force. Its a dog, pepper spray and a long stick should be fine, and carrying a knife in the case of a satanspawn dog from hell bent on ripping your arm off and killing you should work if not :slight_smile:

You can get pepperspray all over online too, Amazon, ebay, sportsmansguide, etc. Not sure what the “best” site is. I carry some in my night forest hikes, I even prefer it over a gun then, but I’m not 100% it would help me with a bear…but black bears are generally just as afraid of you as you are of them and with two dogs and a knife, being a big guy I think I still have a pretty good chance. :wink: I’m more afraid of not being able to keep my dogs away from the bear.

that should do it, I never like to ask incase it gets the sender in trouble but hopefully it’ll slide through without issue. It may also be on its way, I have noticed usp tracking stops when it enters the sort facility and does not update till its signed for.

I have a package to pick up tomorrow which could be something local or could be an international package, we’ll see in the morning, the feilong’s have shipped on Saturday (fasttech held the package up waiting for a c8, c8’s still not shipped unfortunately :~ ) so I should have them in the next few weeks along with some molicell 26700’s from Elektrolumens, I don’t think this light’ll be under fed lol


Thanks, again, B42, for the great advice. My walks had been peaceful and uneventful for so long, probably because I previously took both of my rescued pitbulls with me on walks, but my daughter recently took over walking duties with one of them. (Fortunately she always carries OC spray).

It’s blows my mind to see ignorant, irresponsible people choosing to neither keep their dogs contained nor on leash in 2013, while the general public (with substantial assistance from the media) blame the innocent, neglected, and often abused dogs.

I’ve got some Fox 6% OC spray on the way. Combined with a very sturdy ‘walking/deterrant’ stick and a belt-sheathed fixed-blade (as a last option), I’m now much more prepared for such situations.

I have a Vinh modded TK75, and it's an absolute beast. I don't know if it will beat the RC40 as I don't have one, but I think it would be difficult for it not to win out.

Two reasons... RC40 is using older emitters, and crappier batteries. I also expect the LED's are not driven anywhere near as hard.

Fenix only recently released the xml2 version of the TK75, and it's nearly a match to the RC40 stock in terms of throw. 126000kcd for the RC40 vs 195000 for the TK75.

I know my dedomed TK75 would also spank the RC40 in throw, but so will the K40 and the TN31 as already was mentioned. The dedomed tk75 has a nicer hotspot vs the tn31 and k40 though.

In terms of raw "wow" power, nothing I own beats the FF4. In terms of practical limitations with that light, the only one that really bugs me is that you don't have a true low mode.

You also can't really run it for all that long. You get about half hour of run time start to finish, if you go to high mode as soon as possible. After that you will need to allow the light to also cool down as it gets HOT. So if you're going camping, definitely not a light to take, since you'll need spare batteries.

On 20W "low" mode it would run for a while longer and is definitely in the 2000 lumen range... but that's way too much throwy light for up close stuff. For me, nothing as of yet beats the modded TK75 overall. My only wish would be to have the same performance in a smaller package.

This will :smiley:

And the poor bastard has no hope in readily beating it either :wink:

I wonder what the actual performance numbers on that light are in terms of throw and lumens.

dude that is totally out of this world! so a tank has that light attached to it?

Umm, yeah :slight_smile:

Then that tank is at risk of being carnapped (or tanknapped) - by flashaholics. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am pretty sure the Supbeam X60 will get you there.

whatchall think??

Hi, i think the version of Racer86 Tk75 will beat them all even the tk75vn kt, its running about 6.6Amps each. And if he dedome those 3 xml2 I think it will give more throw.

Yeah it will beat them all to overheat and drop like a stone in output.

It’s not all about the first 10 seconds, if even that.

Yes, and I believe the batteries sag will happen much quicker than the heat sag. We are talking about just a few seconds staying at maximum output lol.

Where did you get your 10seconds idea? kindly read what he wrote on his thread.

Stock TK75 is a great powerful allrounder, now, this light is in a different league. Im not kidding when I say that my BTU, SP03, Lustefire 3xU2, all modified “hot-rods” are now pretty much obsolete. As in, this TK75 outperforms them in pretty much every possible way. This will probably make some of my incoming Supbeams X40 and K40M obsolete as well (hopefully Ill like the thinner carrier enough to keep them). This might make some other lights that I have been planning mod obsolete as well. This will also out throw X60. Naturally, It wont run as cool as a much larger light. But it will fit in my jacket pocket, and that makes it into a light that I will use much more compared to something that is larger.

Used in a mild/cold winter environment with some wind or maybe rain. It might be able to run at 6,6A without step down from full to low batteries. Now, late summer/early autumn with some wind I can use it for around 6-8 minutes before it steps down. Wait until it cools 5 degree (which is fairly quick) and I can crank it up again for a little while if needed. I can disable the feature, but I prefer to have it there for safety.

If you think 6,6A is over the top, or generates too much heat. Then its easy to adjust it down to 6A, or 5,6A or… 5A …. Well, easy once you are confident in how to operate the driver and how the menu system works.