Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! Please put me down for 1 in NW

Tom E thanks for posting the details. I can’t wait to for this GB to come through

I’d like to sign up for a nw.

I'm just glad to see "our" custom firmware make it into a nice production run. Everybody is doin what they are good at - from firmware to making drivers/lights. Of course TK doesn't make any $$$ on it - can't say Eagle Eye or BangGood are making much either, but if this gets pulled off where the majority is happy, we all owe TK something. I know she's leveraged some things from BLF or BLF'ers, but the majority is on her.

Rolz - thank TK, not me... Smile

Interested in purchasing at least 1 N.W. BTW, thanks to all who made this Group Buy possible :slight_smile:


At Least 60sec, please…

At my age, sometimes it takes me sometime to realize just what it is I am looking at:-)

90sec would be great, but thinking more about it (after reading other’s posts) - No stepdown would work for me too.

If I don’t forget that the pain in my hand means that I am being burnt:-(

The way that this light is built, I would venture a guess that it is able to stand more that I/We. - Great heatsinking will make the outside of a High-Powered light heat up FAST, if the Sink is well connected to the exterior.



I should have a sample to test tomorrow. I am usually able to get moon into the range of 0.2 to 0.5 lumens though, so it’ll probably be in there somewhere. It varies for each individual unit though, and also depends on the battery voltage… so any measurements I post will be approximate.

Anything in that range is fine by me. Thanks for your efforts!

In group 1 with 7 levels, moon is so low as to be virtually useless (IMO) I have used it in a dark house late night, and outside. Even trying to see the camera settings up close and personal moon is so ultra low as to not be much help. I know there are those that will rejoice in this, and those that will groan. But really, it’s that kind of low…. easy to forget the light is still on because you can’t see the result.

In group 2 with 4 levels it’s not this way.

To rephrase it, those cheap little coin cell keychain lights with the 3mm tubular led? When the battery is almost run out? Like that.

When I initially checked the samples to see that they worked....

I thought the first one was defective because of the moon mode. It wasn't until I looked at the LED that I realized the light was on. I too find such a low useless BUT like you said there are many here that will rejoice at such a low. Hell, if your eyes are that do not need a light

Besides Dale...we have our Max mode

Is it too late to join in? I can’t decide between NW and CW, so I’d like one of each, please! Thanks to everyone who arranged this!

Lower than moon, maybe it´s the first light ever with a electric driven GITD? :slight_smile:

It’s called “Firefly”


Just don’t make the mistake of still looking at the GITD feature when you long press from there. Turbo will HURT ya!

(ask me how I know… :wink: )

(Edit: trying to make sense out of what I just wrote, on pain meds and muscle relaxers with my back taking my measure)

Add me on the list for another unit, CW this one.

The tailcap of the A6 looks similar to the one of the X6, are those interchangable? If so, are the middle parts interchangable?


Back pain can be a Real B**tch!

Just relax and take it easy - It’s been my experience that one day it will it will be gone as abruptly as it came.

Hell - I’ve been hit on my bicycle from behind by a SUV travelling 50mph. - Quite a trip, going from 12mph to 50mph in a fraction of a second:-(

I don’t take any meds, though there have been days when I have considered it. - My last visit to see a doctor (emergency room) was with a badly dislocated finger (45° out to the side from the middle joint) - The doctor asked me what meds I took, and when I replied “nothing”, he said: “Chuck; Don’t you know that it is Illegal in the State of Florida for someone of your age to NOT be on meds?” :slight_smile:

Get More Better, Dale!


Hmm… I think I see where you are going with that. I’ve thought about it too. I wonder…

A penny for your thoughts! Don’t know what you were thinking about, but I’d really like to know. If someone could talk Eagle Eyes into making some short middle parts to use the A6 and X6 with 1x18350…