Review request for HKJ [Rechargeable Batteries]

Introducing Brinyte USB direct charging 18650 lithium battery

(They have an account here, this is a product announcement; several people have already told them in comments that these should be reviewed)

If they send me one I will review it, but my queue is fairly long.
I also already have a usb rechargeable cell in queue.

Would you mind reviewing the Thorfire 26650 5000mah batteries?
They are supposed to be of quality even though they carry the “fire” name, they are quite cheap as well.

With all the batteries I have in queue at the moment it is best not to order more cells. If it is relevant in a couple of months I may reconsider.


If you have the time, I’d greatly appreciate a review of the KDLight protected NCR18650GA from KaiDomain. This seems to be an affordable alternative to Keeppower/EVVA/etc protected NCR18650GA cells which are hard and expensive to obtain outside of the US. I’m happy to purchase it and have it shipped to you too.


That is the problem at the moment, I have batteries in queue for the next few months.

I’d be interested in seeing the Chinese made Panasonic Eneloops being tested by HKJ.

Any forecast for reviewing LG HG2? They are the only ones high drain and relatively high capacity that are missing on your web site :smiley:

I will probably get some soon, my queue is not that bad any more.

Hi HKJ, thank you for sharing with us about your testing reports.
A saying goes that although Samsung 25R is the upgraded of 20R, 20R performs better than 25R. Is it true?

To answer that type of question you can use this page: Battery test-review 18650 comparator

The answer is generally no, but at 30A the 20R might have a slight advantage.

but at 30A the 20R might have a slight advantage.

That is what I wanted to confirm, thank you HKJ!


I am looking for 14500 high drain (3A) unprotected cells.
Sanyo UR14500P has good capacity, but struggles above 1A.
Any other cell you can recommend?

Maybe these HIBATT IMR14500 (700mAh 10A)? Sounds good, maybe you can test them.

Those HICRAP HIBATT IMR14500s seem to be another rewrapping of the ubiquitous Trustfire IMR14500s:

Hope this helps.

Cheers ^:)

Original post date: Tue, 09/13/2016 - 12:28; links fixed.

I am fairly low on small batteries (i.e. <2800mAh) and will probably buy some to test soon.

It does help, thanks.
Any non-crap unprotected 14500 you can recommend?

Great! Please try to find some good 14500 cells.

I will probably look at the usual Chinese shops, but I will also look in this thread for ideas.

Well, trying not to be excessively picky, those TrustFire IMR14500s work well in fact.

I have a pair which I've just homemade freehand internal resistance tested, though I can't guarantee these figures to be 100% reliable because of the finicky seating of these tinies on my charger: 82 & 80mΩ. My bet is they can handle 5A continuous very well thus.

It's wide flat-top protrudes a smidgeon, so they can be set in series without problems.

Cheers ^:)

Thanks. What about claimed capacity? Remotely close to real life?