Gremlins !!! A long & funny story

You know how some stuff just seems to disappear ? You could have sworn you put both socks in the laundry. You're sure you laid it here. But they're nowhere to be found !

Well, I have always believed there was no such thing as the (insert name here ) gremlin, that did something with your stuff.. It was all a matter of "not paying attention" to what you're doing or someone else moved it.

Today Ladies and Gentlemen , I stand corrected !

Our DVD remote has been working whenever it wanted to for a while now. Today,it finally aggravated me enough to get me to do something about it.
First , New batteries. No difference.
Second : Look at the springs for corrosion. Hmm no problem there. But, there is some sticky stuff on the front of the remote. Betcha that's it , time to fix it.
Out of my chair across the room to the toolbox, get the right screwdriver, and then to the bathroom for a cloth & some Windex. ( remote left on the computer table ) Back to the computer table , take the screws loose. Hmm they won't come out of the housing. WHACK on the table, No screws. OK,They're still in there. FINE !!
Take the remote the rest of the way apart. Clean everything, start to reassemble it. Wait , I should try it , before I re-tighten the screws.
Insert batteries. YEAH, that's better, time to tighten the screws.
Twist, Twist , Twist ,, Hmmm, they should be tight by now.
Turn it over, there's NO SCREWS !! Multiple expletives said !!!
Look around, not on the table, not under the keyboard, not in my pockets. Yep they're on the floor.
NOT !! Spent a few minutes looking . Decided , well since I can't see well without my glasses, better put them on. I get them and my XML powered C8 from the bedroom.

Look again, NOTHING. Not on or under the table.not in or under the chair. They're not anywhere in this room. Hmmm , I can't blame the kids or wife they're not here. The doors are locked , so no one came in and moved my stuff. (Many more expletives said. )
Right then and there I decided "there really are gremlins", and one of them took my screws.

To the Gremlin who took my screws . ( just in case you or one of your buddies are reading my posts.)
When I catch you , I AM GOING TO COOK, AND EAT YOU !

Oh, they're real alright. One of those gremlins took my edc SP11 last week. I've looked everywhere for it, but it's a really tiny light....

If you ever manage to catch a Gremlin don't let yourself think the hard part must be over... You must NEVER take your eyes off it and I don't mean just not turning your back as you fire up the barbecue, oh no. Beware, you can not blink. Literally. You can try blinking one eye at a time but even thats risky.

If you want to cook & eat 'em, I recommend doing it as fast as possible. Always keep in your pocket, a lighter, fuel, cloth & a pencil.

Just skewer, roast & eat that !@#$er fast.

Get a Magnet. They are there.

I work in my garage on flashlights. It is a concrete floor. A smooth concrete floor. I have nothing on the floor, except four table legs.

Rule #1- Gravity - if it falls on the table, it always goes to the floor.

Rule #2- if it's round, it bounces approximately 27 times and then rolls forever.

Rule #3- If it's a tiny screw, it falls and as it bounces 33 times, it does wild contortions, causing it to go in directions that defy the laws of gravity and trajectory.

Rule #4- If I can't find it, I call my wife, she comes out and goes "Oh, here it is honey". It's easier to smile and kiss her, than try to look for it for an hour. Sometimes I learn something from old age... but not nearly often enough.Wink

Those little screw always take a bad bounce. I think I remember reading somewhere that when you drop something you should try to follow it with your peripheral vision instead of looking right at it because your peripheral vision is better at picking that kind of movement, especially when the objects are small. It's a holdover from when we were primarily hunter/predators.

I think that's how jugglers do what they do. Won't help now, of course, but maybe on the next one. That magnet idea of Old-Lumens is likely your best chance. Good luck.

As far as the Gremlins go, I like mine grilled, then on a toasted bun with lettuce and some bacon mayo.

They followed me from California. They were really bad out there, always taking or rearranging my stuff. But since we moved, there have been a few instances of them showing up here. I think I'm going to set up traps, as the dogs seem wholly uninterested in catching them.

When looking for small objects on the floor, put your flashlight flat on the ground and look for shadows

Forget the dog, what you need is a Maine Coon cat. Just look at how aggressively mine is hunting Gremlins in the avatar.

Every time I hear Gremlins, I don't think of the movie, I think of the Buggs Bunny cartoon, during wartime. He was in a military plane and the the gremlin was dismantling it as it flew. The final thing I remember was the plane coming down straight back to earth, so fast that Buggs and the Gremlin were stretched out from the G forsce and Buggs pulling on a lever and the plane stopped 3 feet from the ground. All I remember was s sign or something showing "Air Brakes". Corrected - Ran out of Gas!

Funny how I can't remember what I did yesterday, but I remember stuff from when I was 6 or 7 years old.

Classic Buggs Bunny. Does it get any better than that? Here is the link if any of you nostalgic types want to watch it.

YUMMY !!! I was thinking boiled or maybe deep fried. But it's hard to beat grilled.

I did find wind up finding the screws. Stepped on one that was sticking up out of the carpet. OUCH ! (multiple expletives.. )

They were black. I thought they'd be silver.. The carpet in here is a beige & black (UGLY ) color , so it's very likely I looked at them and they just didn't register.

Don't feel alone ! At times I'm pretty sure I have CRSS.

(can't remember s***t syndrome )

All I remember from the gremlins movie is Phoebe Cates.

Such a doll she was. Also in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, her climbing slowly out of the pool... :love:

Well, it's happened again, fishinfool. We've managed to take yet another perfectly good BLF thread completely Off Topic. But thanks for the memory and the picture.

She was so hot in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Here's a pic of her from that movie but as you can see I edited out the best part of the photo.

Ok back on topic. I guess that means that I have gremlins in my house that hide my keys all the fargin' time.

Apparently the gremlins got the money shot of Phoebe too.....

Ok, ok here's the missing part of the above photo: