Which multiple AA? Laptop pulls and chargers

Hey guys great forum.

Been reading and learning loads.

The reviews for the multiple AA flashlights are pretty old. Would anyone know what’s good around the $40 range? Something current or are those still the current ones going?

Long run time a medium or lowish setting will be good. Something waterproof for rain.

What do you suggest?


What about the Thrunite Archer 2A v3 ?

There is a great deal on the Nitecore EA45S Cree XP-L HI on GearBest

Review here It’s a bit under your budget.

Thanks a lot. Will have a look at that.

The only reason I want a AA powered flashlight is because I have loads of rechargeable batteries.

Having read about 18650 batteries and you need to keep an eye on them has put me off. Is there a charger available that you can use and have minimum user input. A bit like my AA charger?

Have looked at both.

The nitecore deal seems to have expired. Showing as $79

Crelant v4a :+1:

If you look in the GearBest deal’s tread you will find this :’

1. Nitecore EA45S Cree XPL Hi V3 1000Lm Unibody LED Flashlight ( regular price is $79.95 )

coupon —- EA45SDEAL
price —- $36.59

link: http://www.gearbest.com/led-flashlights/pp_266614.html?wid=21

That EA45S looks nice with that discount. I was wondering, though, how hard would it be to take out that XPL-HI and replace it with a nice warm XP-G3. Pity unknown00101 didn't disemboweled the flashlight so we could see what baseplate it uses…

Cheers ^:)

I'm liking the Lumintop SD4A right now. (M4D M4X has code that meets your price point.)

It gets some criticism for not taking 18650s or 26650s, but it does take 4xAA, which meets your criteria, and 1xD. I got it for my dad who didn't want to mess with Li-Ion and it is working great. The two button UI makes it simple to change between the basic modes.

A big +1……
This one would be my choice too, hands down. I have had one for quite a while and when I saw this deal the other day I ordered another one to leave in the truck. I doubt we will ever find it this cheap again. :+1:
Oh yeah, I use Eneloops in mine… a better combination I have not personally found.


Thanks for all the help guys. I ordered it yesterday.

Can’t wait to test it out.

Which one did you get ‘So1oled’??

Glad it worked out for you, I don’t think you will disappointed.

Really sorry for the short reply.

I went for the nite core. Well reviewed. I did check all the others but the slimmer design of the nitecore done it for me.

No apology necessary. If you like it half as much as I like mine……… you will be ecstatic with your choice. :smiley:

I agree ea45 or ea45s @ gearbest. One’s like $35. and the other is $30. last I checked. If you’re looking for a nice AA LED light at the right price, then I can’t think of anything better. Others posted links to codes so won’t go dig those up right now, but if you decide to buy it and run into any trouble then you can pm one of us.

Thanks a lot guys. Very kind and helpful.

I did order the ea45s. I did have a question?

On another topic I was reading I saw a picture someone posted using a elliptical lens on their torch so it spreads the beam. He was using this as a bike torch. I also cycle to work so was wondering if I could get the same sort of lens for the ea45s but I really have no clue as to where to look or start?

The picture is in this thread. About half way down. Bicycle Light ... What Do You use

A diffuser works well for me for bike light conversion. This one for EC4s https://www.fasttech.com/product/1499302-authentic-nitecore-nfd34-34mm-beam-diffuser-for

Or EA45S that is.

Thanks will look into that.