Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

He placed a order over 25$ free shipping then went to pending order and canceled an item to make it < 25.

Then you are doing something wrong. After order 2 items. Changing it to 1 and clicking update. It put the shipping back on there just fine. I have Prime on another account so I logged into the one that doesn’t just to check. Works fine.

Sorry, first images I had up were wrong. Went back and updated them. Still the same result though.

Oookay, but you still get the big honkin’ box with shipping options below-left, and the other big honkin’ box with the order breakdown top-right.

That’s 2 big honkin’ boxes you have to work hard to miss, at least in the checkout stage.

So unless you one-click the order (which I never ever ever do, for precisely this kind of reason) or it’s displayed differently on the mobile site, I’m at a loss as to what’s missing.

I also learned early on that (while it’s no longer done, as everything got shovelled into the Amazon Store or Marketplace or whatever it’s called) before when you had a choice of sellers, you’d get the Amazon-preferred seller (or FBA itself) as the main listing by default, but could also see a sidebar on the right with different sellers and their own prices.

Eg, vaguely recalled it was for a motion-sensor for a car-alarm or something like that that I wanted to play with, that had the Amazon-pushed seller as the full-page default selling it for something like 23bux, but the 2nd or 3rd seller in the sidebar had the same doodad for 19.99 or so. Ordered it from them instead, and saved 4-5bux or so.

Point being, what was being pushed was not the best offer to the customer. You really had to look at all the info on the page, and “manually” (vs the default) pick the seller you wanted.

Anyway, I’m not really seeing what’s the issue, unless it’s, “Damn, I didn’t even look/check at all, either before pulling the trigger or even anytime afterward until the item got shipped, and I got nicked for shipping costs.”. If that’s it, then okay, but to me at least, it’s pretty clear (in multiple places) what you’re being charged and for what.

In the situation I am describing, there is no "big honkin’ box with shipping options."

I pay attention to all of the details when I place an order, but when cancelling part of an order after placing that order, Amazon is super sneaky and does not alert you that you will be charged shipping.

Amazon is getting too big for their britches .

Yeah, amazon is the one who’s being sneaky. :person_facepalming:

Yes, they are.

Amazon should tell you that if you cancel part of your order, and the order drops below $25, that you will be charged shipping.

They don't tell you anything like that.

You think you're getting free shipping, and you're not.

Of course it's only fair for them to charge for shipping for smaller orders, but they should alert their customers to that fact when their customers cancel part of their order.

Now that I know that this happens, I cancel my whole order so that I don't get charged shipping.

I'm trying to enlighten BLF with my experience here, thank you very much.

Don't you want to be informed when you're going to be charged extra for something, or would you rather just pay extra without ever knowing that you are?


Amazon clearly says Free Shipping on orders over $25.
If you reduce that amount for any reason, it would no longer qualify as it is below $25, What logic is missing here?

If you add up the additional stuff you add to the cart to get you over the qualifier over a period of the year you may find you spent more on stuff you really didn’t need than the cost of Prime.

Love their movies, free music, photo storage, etc.
Also sometimes the price of the product itself is less for Prime members.
If you split it with family members the cost is very low, we use the heck out of it and would continue to stay enrolled even if it went up another $20-25.
The amount of Gas and most importantly time that is saved by having products brought to you quickly is bliss, especially during a pandemic.



I understand what you are saying, and never denied it.

The logic that is missing is that Amazon does not alert you that you are being charged shipping if you cancel part of your order.

Is that too hard for people to understand?


Like I said before, I am trying to enlighten people on BLF by telling my story so that they can learn from my experience.

get a job - buy a membership

Now you're being just plain rude.

I am disabled and live on a fixed income.

If I wanted to buy a membership, that's what I would do, but clearly I don't want to.

instead you just play the scam. carry on

I totally understand your position. I am retired and also living off a fixed income. My wife was injured at work in an elevator free fall accident and has been out of work for 15 months .

Living off workman’s comp and social security is challenging.

Name calling will get you everywhere.

Like RC there are a ton of people that very much know the policy of Amazon for non Prime purchases. They know good and well but are always hoping, trying even to save a few bucks here and there. I mean, come on, we all do it. Myself included. Some of us make up well up into to six figures but still jump on a $10 off coupon for a flashlight we have to wait 5 weeks to get. Then complain about it the whole time.

Both Amazon and the consumer are to blame. We are to blame for knowing the policy, trying to skirt the policy and getting pissed when we get caught. Amazon is at fault for not making it absolutely clear on the order page that you will be charged for the shipping, they could do better as well.

We need to do our part as consumers to make sure we understand the policy and Amazon has to make the policy clear.

We can’t sit back and assume someone will take care of it for us. We are ultimately responsible for our own well being. Whether that be Amazon or COVID. Two extreme examples I know.

By the way, when I cancelled part of some of my orders, I wasn't trying to get around the $25 free shipping policy.

I just change my mind sometimes and cancel what I can when I can.

I'm glad Amazon lets me do this, and in the future I will cancel the whole order so that I don't get dinged on shipping.

My son tells me the customer service people working for amazon in India (I think) have to wear diapers because they are not allowed bathroom breaks .

Maybe that helps keep the prices down and puts more money in Jeff’s pockets

Yeah, it happens, I get it. Before I had Prime, the wife and I would sit here and try and figure out what else we needed to get it to $25. LOL Buying stuff we didn’t need and didn’t want just to get the free shipping. :slight_smile:

We then realized if we made just a few purchases a month, with or without Prime, then Prime ended up paying for itself. Some folks live on tight budgets and don’t want that fee taken directly off their card every month. Been there done that was well.

We do watch a lot of Prime TV, use their photo storage, and even use their music service so, it works for us. Doesn’t mean that would work for everyone. I swore off Amazon for quite sometime. Not because of their business practices but because they couldn’t seem to find my house. Spent more time arguing with them that my house existed than I did anything else. That sorted, it was back to business.

As Muto said, Prime fee can be divided between family members. They don’t have to live together to qualify. At half price it is a bargain. I buy small items I need whenever the need arises. The shipping is worth more than the product many times. Their system is the best in the business. Whenever the government tries to start up an online system they should hire Amazon.

Anyway, back to Amazon deals.

Thrunite TC20 is 30% off.

Wuben C5 is 20% off

Wrukkos FC11 is $25.49 before 5% off coupon.

Lumintop Tool AA Kit. With cell and magnetic cap is on sale for $24.99

Rovyvoy A8 is on sale for $17.65.

Okay, after some careful thought, I removed the name calling.