Andúril 2 coming to Sofirn - The general Sofirn development thread

Well, yeah, actually there is.

As much as I’m not a fan of fast-food, I did go out of my way to hit McD’s vs any other FF place specifically because of its wonderfully hot coffee.

At other places, I’d get food, eat it in the parking lot or wherever, and when done, I’d be “treated” to tepid coffee which I could pretty much chug down in one action.

At least at McD’s, I could legitimately treat myself to actual hot coffee after my meal’s done, sip it leisurely, and actually enjoy it.

Unfortunately, one silly cow who thought her crotchal area would be a good place to prop her coffee-cup, and spilled it, ruined it for me and all others who enjoy hot coffee.

Worse, the ban on styrene-foam cups in place of, well, paper cups, made it worse, as the contents would cool off even faster.

Such are the perils of living in a dumbed-down society which panders to the lowest-common denominator for fear that we poke out our own and others’ eyes with pointy sticks.

You know what is even better than using paper/Styrofoam cups to store coffee?

Using a thermos.

Not only are you helping the planet, but you are also helping keep your drink hotter for longer.

One of my girl friends does this, and she has no problem giving her thermos to the employees and filling her up with her daily dose of coffee.

TBH, McDonald’s coffee case was disgusting.

Not only did they refuse to pay the old lady for her medical expenses for their fault keeping the coffee too hot, they also used propaganda to try and shift the blame on clients rather than themselves.

Back then? Never. They’d give you coffee in the cup and let you fill your own thermos. Was only not that many years ago where Starbux and similar would let you do your own filling, and even discount you a nickel or whatever for saving them the cup. But back when that happened? No way.

The same principle can be applied here as far as lights, though. Glued-shut, dumbed down, keep muggles from burning themselves and starting fires in their houses.

Hell, my bone-stock S2+ that I left tailstanding on high for maybe 5min or so got so hot I couldn’t even grab it long enough to turn it off. Had to use some cloth as an “oven mitt” of sorts to do that. And even then I couldn’t pick it up without said oven mitt for quite a while.

Yet people here rear up on their hind legs and wail loud’n’long if any mfr even tries that.

That knife cuts both ways.

If I were high up at McD’s, I might’ve would’ve taken the same approach as they. If you’d try to “help” or try to “be nice” by paying her bills, you’d essentially be admitting guilt. Not morally, but legally. And any idiot who chokes on a chickwich can later sue them, and expect to have all his medical bills paid. “Slippery slope”, once you set the precedent.

I don’t recall if their coffee cups back then were labelled "CAUTION! HOT HOT HOT COFFEE! BEWARE!", ad nauseam, but if not, they’d be “liable”, and if so, they’d be laughable. Same like the cape warning to keep some lackbrain from leaping off a garage expecting to fly.

Sure, we laugh at the idiot warnings that are on, well, everything nowadays, but it’s specifically to keep some sue-happy putz from not dealing with his own stoopidity. If someone jumps off a garage whilst wearing a cape, I’d say pay your own bills, and learn from the experience. Instead, they sue, and are rewarded. “Nobody warned me the coffee was hot!!” Ummm, really? Calling it “hot coffee” isn’t enough of a clue?

Bags of peanuts on airplanes. Labelled, "WARNING! Contains peanuts!". Uhh… duh? If you have a peanut allergy, the big honkin’ label calling them “peanuts” isn’t clue enough? They need a “prominent” warning elsewhere reminding people of that? Yeesh, no wonder Chock Full O’ Nuts had to come up with an entire ad campaign telling people that their coffee doesn’t contain nuts. :person_facepalming:

So yeah, “hot coffee” should be pretty explanatory.

And if we don’t want dumbed-down lights, we really can’t fault McD’s for that.

And just as an aside, I don’t eat at McD’s any longer, not since I heard that (as I understand it) they’re one of the very few FF places that does not use “cruelty-free” chickens.


From what I’ve found, you’re right about the nature of that debacle. And same as you, I remember thinking that if I were the higher ups there, I’d have done the same as they - or even more so. That woman deserved to be ridiculed, not for getting burned - we’ve all had accidents of some sort right? - but for having the audacity to sue for it afterward, as if it was anybody’s fault but her own.

But, alas, I’m even more “cruel” than you, because I don’t care about “cruelty-free” chickens either, at least not from a moral stand. :smiling_imp:

That’s not what happened…

She asked McDonalds just to pay for her medical bills, and they completely refused to do anything.

It’s actually extremely dangerous to serve almost boiling coffee to customers, and was actually illegal to do so.

But McDonalds knew that this was less expensive than trying to fix 700 cases of customers burning themselves with coffee.

I mean, accidents do happen, right? Well, since water has high thermal mass, boiling water can cause 3rd degree burns, which happened.

What if the coffee was at 160F instead of 190F? She might have not gone through surgery.

She might not have had to sue McDonalds because of their voluntary negligence if they paid her medical treatments for illegally hot coffee.

The difference with lights is that I have the choice to set it at burning levels.

I don’t have the choice to get a certain temperature at McDonalds.

Actually, that would’ve been a great idea from McDonalds part. Normal coffee for most people(160F) and hot coffee for people like you :slight_smile:

Wellp, I forgot what I was doing, probably trying to open a coconut, at least that sounds familiar, and my Xacto knife slipped and got wedged to the hilt in that nice fleshy part of my hand between thumb and forefinger. Bfd. Squooshed some Krazy-Gloo into the hole to close it up, and learned from my boneheadery. Did the thought even occur to me to sue anyone? Nope. “For what??”, I’d ask myself.

But that’s my point. We flat-out laugh, or roll our eyes in disbelief, when these cases get brought to trial, and an idiot jury actually awards people cash prizes for being idiots. A burglar who falls through a skylight and sues the property owner for not providing burglars a nice safe working environment, makes us retch… but it happened.

I’m not vegan or anything, but to me it just seems bad karma to benefit from cruelty like that. Call it silly, but before eating I’ll thank the critters for giving up their lives. It’s the least I can do…

Been switching to shrimp dishes from the chinese-food place where I usually go to lunch at work (like, every workday).

I spoke to God about hot coffee and God sent me a text with a link to Amazon and a 18 ounce Thermos.

Also available at Walmart.

Yes, it will serve coffee and has survived about a dozen drops. Although it needs some TLC with a ballpeen hammer to take out the kinks. We have 5 of them…because they fit all the cars. Very drip proof spout.

No problem getting it filled at fast food places.

Yep, I went into that.


But you do have the choice whether/not to get coffee (or tea, presumably) there.

My question is why would McD choose to have scorching-hot coffee? I wasn’t the only one who would specifically go there precisely because the coffee was that hot. People who’d take their coffee to go appreciated the hotter coffee… especially a half-hour later in a nicely insulated cup.

Yeah, you’d think rather than field nuisance lawsuits from people who’d burn themselves, it’d be cheaper to just turn down the urns’ thermostats, no?

Wellp, when S_f_rn or Th_rf_r_ would start selling lights with and without glue…

Ever go somewhere to a chinese or indian place, and have some loudmouth make a big stink how he wants his food reeeeeeally spicy? Then gets exactly what he asked for if not demanded, and starts gasping for air once he takes that first bite? I have. We all wanted to drag him outside and give him a good ol’ fashioned biker stomp when he threatened to sue the restaurant.

That’s why we can’t have nice things.

Anyway, enough from me. Y’all can have the last word. I don’t want the thread to get locked or blocked or whatever.

Wow. Lucky you. All He does is sent me pointers to lighting-deals for flashlights…

Sometimes batteries, but mostly flashlights.

I don’t think it’s going to get this thread locked/blocked.

We are having a civil argument, not throwing shade at other people :slight_smile:

Back on topic, I think we can get lights unglued on request?

Trying to get my SP10A Red was a nightmare of heat gunning and using my death grip to get it open.

Lightbringer…… I can honestly say it is a treat to read your posts. :+1:

You should write a book, you have a way with words.

Well, somebody did mark my post above with the “Report” button, so there’s that. :person_facepalming:

:person_facepalming: …. Sad. :frowning:

Sad for that person… I just think it’s hilarious! :laughing:

:+1: … Trust me, I understand all to well. :wink:

I wouldn’t even call it an “argument”. I actually like “debates” like this. If everyone thought the same as I do, it’d be a pretty boring world. Like that “Twilight Zone” ep filled with Shelley Berman clones. :laughing:

Wow, it’s actually online… backwards.

Or if not

Huh… lookit that. Seems someone got panties all in a bunch, as I got a coupla “rude”s. :laughing:

See? That’s why we can’t have nice things, either.

Didn’t someone already try that? I know Simon can make any Convoy to-spec, but I’ve never heard of his lights being glued. Might’ve been Sofirn that someone asked about getting unglued lights.

Yah, that’s not too good, either. Was just reading today about getting microfractures in the ano when baking lights.


Wellp, so I’m in good company. Sounds like New Guy (Brendon, Lyndon, something like that?) might’ve been right.

Anyway, that’s another reason why I’m dropping it. Even a friendly discussion can get “reported”…

Yeah, there’s nothing much left to be said about it anyway. :wink:

I feel this way too. I’ve found I actually learn more from “debates” like this than from any classroom I’ve been in, and certainly any conversation where everyone’s already in agreement. I read a quote in Reader’s Digest many years ago: It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. I’ve always loved the idea that it conveys.