Andúril 2 coming to Sofirn - The general Sofirn development thread

Oh No! :person_facepalming:

Marketing is how. You know the thing they lack entirely and are asking the forum to figure out for them

Simple. You producing misleading video and people are buying it :frowning:

SOFIRN….to light up what the sun never shines on!

SOFIRN….no hole too dark.

SOFIRN….bathes you with excited electrons!

No more SOFIRN the darkness!

And my best of the day……


Sylvester - Sufferin Succotash - YouTube little imagination! :confounded:

Hi Barry,
So SP40A is 4000K. What about SP40B? Is it 4000K as well?
When can we buy SP40B from Sofirn’s Aliexpress store?
Any chance you can reveal the price?

Hmm, the issue with indiegogo and Kickstarter is the need for constant contact with the backers to show full transparency (if you want to have a good campaign and between closing and release) - is it something someone would want to commit to? Plus there’s usually push-back when it’s an established brand doing it…

sofirn is dealing with the lamp base which is connected with the band for head. It takes time. And cost of mold is not clear yet.

sofirn will release SP40 with XPL first, you guys can ask for other versions after using this version.

what does sofirn mean? (the S doesn’t need to be capitalized, I think sofirn is better than Sofirn)

I don’t know. Guess it’s just a name that the boss can think of and not used as brand.

I found it really hard to think of a simple, meaningful name that not be used.

Olight is a great name which was applicated in 2011 but sofirn in 2016.

Good thing is sofirn will not reminds you of some other similar brands?

the slogan, what about “drive darkness, chase light”

I have bad imagination :person_facepalming: is a slogan necessary?

Slogan is not necessary.

Appreciate your communication with our community. Can’t wait for SP70 :slight_smile:

25A 26650s are live!

Now, I’m curious what cell is underneath the shrink. Barry, can you please reveal some more information what cell this is? I hope it’s at least comparable to the PLB-55A in terms of the discharge curve. The current price is quite comparable or even a bit less than Shockli asks for their 26650 5.500mAh battery (using the PLB-55A cell). Can’t wait for HKJ to test this battery. :slight_smile:

It is not a famous brand under the wrapper. It is locally sourced (in China) and high drain. Actual pictures are not ready yet. They are flat tops, but will have button tops added for series contact. I was told about 4800mah, but it seems they are listed at 5,000mah. IDK, it’s close.

I agree. There is nothing wrong with the current box. As said, do put the name of the box contents in a prominent place on box.
As for slogan, if you want one I like…

Sofirn…. turning night into day.

And for the smaller lights:

Sofirn……finding the crap in your closet

Personally, I like your corresponding motto - see picture below - quite much. But IMHO I would keep just the English expression and shorten it a bit to something like “turns night into day”.

In contradiction to your suggestion (no capitalized “S”) I emphasized the “S” a bit more to achieve some more space for the illustrated light beam above the “i”. How do you like it?

I think that looks really good.

Or even “…night into day”. My new one: “…no more darkness”

I like it (kind of Star Wars sign)

Mayby just few minor changes. What do you think?

How about keeping the box all black (just words) plus flashlight name and drowings

Does the Sofirn SP32A v2 has a timed stepdown on ramping mode if set to a high level or does it relies only on the temperature regulation?

Yes. This is very good.

Yeah, that’s a cool idea! :sunglasses: The drawings would only have to be inverted, i.e. white on black. I’m not sure if we always need a “TM” or “R” in the logo. If necessary, I would decrease its size a bit and put it closer to the top right corner of the “N”. :wink: I could image it would look nice to put the logo only on the face side of the tube or bezel and the actual model name on the tailcap. Corporate design is essential and should always look the same regardless of which flashlight you pick of this brand.