Announcement: Which One Do You Like Most? Vote it, A Huge Discount of 40% have been gave out!!!

D for sure. Personally, the other 3 need to be up for some of the worst looking flashlights of the year award. But that’s just me 0:)


$10 or less

Another vote for D.

D for me!

Tried to vote, but got a validation error. I vote for "D".

Double D for me please :bigsmile:

Hey Jane, I think the POLL IS FINISHED.Tongue Out


I already voted convoy s2, your too late


Word is he was born in this neck of the woods.

I vote D also, but it would have to be under $10


d :slight_smile:

I vote C

Alcius, thanks for that catch and linking the reviews to save my laziness.

My vote is D. A (the Ultrafire C3) isn’t a bad host for outside the 18650 format …but it would need to be a big discount to be comparable to prices for the 1 mode that rips apart just as well.

Nice : D



You all keep referring to choice "D" as an F15. To me it looks much more like a Trustfire A8.