AstroLux S1 (BLF A6 Mark 2) Quick review. Coming soon in Red and Blue!

Now that the Astrolux is available to the general public at a very good price do BLF members get any discount off the 29.95 ?
maybe via a coupon ?

Use code: BLF (should work)


I just tested it, & it is Not working (because it is a Flash Sale item).

try BLF

$29.95 still is not bad because it comes with the short tube. The BLF A6 was $25 without the tube so in reality the cost only went up $2.50

I have just ordered the Astrolux. Just hope that all the parts are the same as the A6 and will be as durable.

The BLF A6 is now $29.95 using the coupon.

For me, the AstroLux is the choice.

Got toed up last night, but when I checked against the first batch BLF A6, the AstroLux S1 has about the same press change when hot.

Looks like the capacitor is the same on the driver. Neither lost the ability to change modes or anything, but the press time changed from the heat on turbo…

Thanks for checking that.

Has Banggood ever confirmed that the Astrolux S1 is identical to the BLF A6 Special Edition? Do we have any way to ask?

Most of us are just skeptical enough that we worry about the quality slipping. Over time, that may not happen. But it is also possible that lesser components will "slip" in the production. So, let's ask. At present, are these two lights identical?

Here you go, PM the rep here and ask away, I did my best to try and show it is…

Thanks! PM sent.

Would you be able to share if you’ve got a reply?

Need a reply to finalise purchase :smiley: Thanks guys!

Need to learn patience from you guys… already pulled the trigger a few days ago… now just hope for the best.

Ya have to remember, these companies don’t know what they’re selling, they take the money and pass the order on to someone on the other side of China who sends something.
Every big company needs both QA (during production) and QC (checking the finished product).

For the kinds of things we get, QA is “does it light up maybe?” and QC is “what did the customer say about it?”

Welcome to the lottery ….

Price of Astrolux has gone up to $46 now. Don’t know why.

Easy...don't buy it. It'll be down after the Holidays. Same o Same o.

there is a coupon, code:astrolux price:$29.95

and they will be available in USA warehouse this week.

I have the driver sold separately by BangGood in a Yezl T9 with an oversize lens, now with a switch from a Black Cat. Love it!

I think it was a great review.