Astrolux S41 - presale ended

It is an announcement, but I’m sure M4D M4X will arrange a good price at some moment :slight_smile:

I’m in Thanks

I wonder if there is an option for XP-G2 1A & 3B two LEDs each to balance out the tint?



1500 lumens? Any thoughts.

Sounds plausible for the Nichia219B, the 219C or XP-L would be a different story.

Did they change the driver in the Astrolux S1? Mine has the older A17DD with Attiny13A, but the manual in your image shows the newer with Bistro on Attiny25.
If the quality of this new light is better than my S1 I would like to get one.

Subscribed. I’ll take one of each. Please deliver them yesterday, thanks

Hhm, the xp-g2 should pull out min. 1600 otf lumen with a good high drain lion! As always: the more the better … :smiling_imp:

I know why the Nichia light might be attractive, but what makes the xp-g2 version interesting?

Been looking for a quad edc, so this appears to be another must have…

i take 5 hosts for xpl….otherwise no sense for me if i get some triples…

This seems to be - pending parts, testing and review - the ideal candidate for my malfunctioning DQG Tiny 26650. Loved that light, but it was a short-usage disappointment. $40 wasted.

Good clip = sold

I’m officially excited now. Love Copper, also a +1 to the 18500 tube. Can only guess with Mountain Electronics now stocking XP-G3 S5’s how long before the lumen wars start.

are they gonna be xp-g3 ??
i’m in for whatever

Exactly what I was thinking! A host only w/ 18650 tube would be perfect.


AWWWWWW, how come he gets them first LOL… I will not make SB pull this forum over…
