battery wrapper woes

Xtars on arrival

As far as wrappers go, I think my Eneloops will go a longer way than the wrapper on them...

Use a Bic lighter to tighten up that fast, the edges will burn if you let them.

Make fast passes and watch it.

With that mess, try a hair dryer first.

It has cracked off, PCB is without protection from side. A part of wrapper is missing, it´s not only a loose piece of it.

Got a replacement already on the way, was just thinking maybe a new wrapper would do the job for this.

All battery wrappers crack just a fact of life, have TFs, AWs, etc.. that cracked. Think I'll order some of that Ebay shrink wrap maybe in black!

For smaller or temporary repairs, some Teflon tape also works, and it's a bit thinner than shrink tubing.

Thanks for the link!

Ordered one in black.

Since I need just wrapper for one battery, let me know if you need a feet or two since all the rest are going to be left over and idle from me. Will be shipped from Finland, for a letter a shipping fee to US or Europe seems to be 1-2$ for under 20g letter...

Some wrapper left if you need small quantity + relatively fast.