(BLF) Sofirn Q8 V1.5: The XPL HI monster, DIY parts + Extended 8x18650 tubes GB Interest List


I want 2 sets.

Thanks, Joachim

Any updates to this on pricing or availability?

So we’re at, what, 6 months to produce tubes and carriers?

I looked back at the OP and unfortunately there is no date associated with the posting that production had started. While I was working directly with Sofirn on this monster build I haven’t heard anything from them since I completed the 458 Ham’r (before then actually).

Looking like a 2019 continuance project. Oh well, it is what it is….

Might have to get busy out in the shop… wish I had an air conditioned/heated workplace with a mill to complement the lathe. lol A 3D printer to create the missing links would be pretty cool too, time to buy a lottery ticket. :wink:

When you win the jackpot, don’t forget your friends here at the old hangout… :innocent:

Dude , there’ll be stuff to buy, things to build, I’ll be BUSY!

Until I wake up

Creality Ender3D is below $200 and print quality is good.

Yeah, the tubes are not available yet.

I think the BLF Lantern is taking some precious time on their hands, along with the SP70.

Intrested in 2 sets

All added to the list.

I’d like to be added to the list for two sets of tubes, please.

Can we get an update for the new year? :innocent:

Ill get 1 set for the blf q8. Thanks.

Sorry, Nick. This extension set won’t thread onto the BLF Q8. It will only fit the Sofirn Q8, which is threaded differently.

Aren’t they making them for both models?
Have they recently decided to make it only for the Sofirn version?
I missed the memo. Please confirm.

Ah, wait a minute. I just looked back and found this in post 190 from djozz:

So, yeah. It should fit both. I don’t know why I missed that detail before. I just remembered it being said that it would only fit Sofirn lights.

Correct, it seems they were making 2 versions. One for BLF Q8 and one for Sofirn Q8. I have not heard of them dropping one of the versions or even that they found a way to make one design fit both lights. If they did, that’s great.

How much is 1 set for the blf q8, I might be interested in getting it.

Prices have not been announced yet.

I see, thank you for responding, much appreciated.

Looks like I’ll have to get a tube for each of my lights. So I’m in for two.

any news about the carrier version?

on Aliexpress I can only find non carrier version so far