BLF Special Edition Zebralight? Maybe next year

Interested. :heart_eyes:


Won’t happen.

I hope it does, but it won’t.

Subscribed and fingers crossed.

As the owner of a Zebralight H51d, which is probably my most used light, I would like to see the tailcap have a strong magnet built in. This would increase it’s usefulness even more.

I carry this light in my coin pocket for work, and mainly use it clipped to the pen slot of my shirt (so that I can work hands free). It’s a great light!

You can add a magnet under the spring. Just slip it in there. It’ll lay down flat when you put the tailcap on. I did it to my SC62w. I don’t have an H51 but it should be similar.

I have tried, but without much success. The holding force was weak. Maybe I need a thicker magnet.

Not necessarily thicker/larger, but also stronger:


"The grade of neodymium magnets is generally measured in units millions of Gauss Oersted (MGOe).

A magnet of grade N42 has a Maximum Energy Product of 42 MGOe.

Generally speaking, the higher the grade, the stronger the magnet."

Best Regards,


Thanks for the info keengeorge! I’ll have to check it out.

Jay, get them to make the q50 after all (4xAA, announced but never released)

Hmmm, interesting

Q50 would be neat and I’d buy one if it were made, because Zebralight. But I’d be absolutely thrilled with a newer, upgraded version of the S6330.

Here, this might be helpful as well. Magnet Calculator

Sc63 neutral flodder or q50 or a classic in some special material ss ti cu brass

This is what I was thinking about.

All great ideas. Added to the list. I think we’re starting to get a good spread of ideas that run from “lots of effort” to “you were going to do this anyways”. I think I’ll give it another day to collect ideas and then I’ll put a feeler out to Zebralight.

May be. 4SxAA and 4Px14500 interessting.

H600 body with HiCRI XHP50 and floodest Carclo 10140 TIR and tailcap magnet.

Thanks DavidEF! I ordered some 7mmx2mm N50s.

I like the sound of a 2xAA zebralight. I don’t have a zebra yet so this would be neat

Feeler email sent out to Zebralight. I sent a link to this post and a general idea of how the other BLF Special Editions have been run. Will update when I hear back.

18350 version of the SC63w! Chop shop!