C8 addicts thread

Can you tell me wich kind of combination people do build with 20mm driver? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

XHP50.2 and H1-A boost driver

Sugest you read the post above, they mostly talk about this setup.

Might be able to use a 20 to 17mm adapter slightly shaved down

Speed4goal, thanks! I did allready ordered those from kaidomain and now you confirmed that they might work :slight_smile:

Edit: also ordered XHP50.2 and HI-A anyway so can’t go wrong :wink:

What is so great about this driver? I see that you can use a single cell and run a 6v led but the output doesn’t seem like it would be all that great…only 3a?

With resistor mods you can push it up to 3.5A+, up to about 24W output. Sure, it isn’t the brightest thing around, but it’s fully regulated, no PWM, good mode spacing, and can maintain that level of brightness through the entire cell discharge.

Really the appeal to me though is just running 6V emitters in places that were impossible before, or using series triples, and having full PWM free regulation.

If throw is what you want a DD XP-L HI is the way to go, but I actually prefer the XHP50.2 beam for general use, and 2000+ lumens is plenty.

Its the single cell and 6v that i like.
I dont have any 18350 and dont realy like the 700-800mah size (until i get my aspire)

Not everything needs to be driven at the absolut max.
I use it in a S2 and EE X7.
The output is decent and it dosnt get superhot, the x7 takes a long time to heat up.

I’m kind of a max output person so I’d have to go with a fet and 2 18350s…since I wouldn’t carry it around for work or anything like that. I don’t really care for XP-L HI much, I’d rather have a dedomed XM-L2 or a dedomed XP-G2. I wonder why there are no 6v boost drivers that’ll let you push about 7-10 amps through them?

I believe size is the one issue , they will be huge and secondly they will require crazy current from the batteries …

3A to a XHP50.2 does around 2500lm.
The driver has no step down.
You get a usable hot spot, not something tiny, needle sized like from a xp-g2.
You get decent amount of throw.
And you only has to use one 18650.

I used to be all about max lumens and max throw, then I realized most of those lights just sat on a shelf because there were so many trade offs that just weren’t worth it to me day to day.

To me, full regulation is preferred, with no PWM or very fast PWM required. Good battery life and utilization are also important. Maximum output is of less importance as I find that I run on medium to low most of the time anyway. That said I will try to maximize output within my previous requirements.

I also find pencil thin beams nearly useless, I’m not a search and rescue worker, so most usage is within 50 yards. If I really need more I have specific lights for that, but I touch them maybe once or twice a year, half of those uses just being to show off.

The H1-A and emitters it drives just happen to check those boxes for my usage, while providing an output that is “enough”. That’s just me though, different users, different requirements.

If looking for maximum output on a 3V emitter, I would recommend the Texas Avenger 20mm driver, the TA series is IMO the best DD driver out there, offering both 7135 linear regulation for lower modes and a FET for a hot rod high mode.

I am still a max lumens guy, but the good thing about LED flashlights is that they come with various modes, so when I need lower output I still can have it with the same light which also can put out 1200 lumens on Turbo. :slight_smile:

Some people on this forum are able to mod it to produce around 140kcd on high mode with the XP-L HI emitter but I have never tried my hands on XP-L HI though.

Did you do the spring mod on both springs by the way? Because that can make quite a big difference.

Only 1200? :wink:

I pocket carry any light that I have to have for work because I don’t like holsters and I don’t like lights to hang on a pocket clip on the outside of my pocket…so for me, anything bigger than a Convoy M1 is just a toy for “playing outside” (looking for deer in fields). I purchased a lux meter a few months ago but haven’t had a chance to mess with it much, but I’m going to this weekend. I’m going to take some measurements because I’d like to know what the C8s that I’m building are producing. I’m going to measure a Convoy C8 with a fet and a XP-L HI, a dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A, a dedomed XP-G2 S4 0D, a dedomed XP-E2 Torch (minus the fet of course), and a Osram Oslon Black Flat. If anyone wants to chime in on the best way to measure these lights please do as I need all the help I can get :smiley:

Goggle around for M16 copper washers (16mm hole), and with a 19mm outside diameter.

I got the same but with a 22mm OD to use a 17mm driver with my 22mm-hole F13. Take a step-bit that has a 17mm “step”, and you can lightly shave down a little ledge for the driver to sit on and not swim around. Then solder it in place.

If you need 19mm and can’t find 16mmID/19mmOD, get whatever you can and just shave down the outside diameter ’til it fits.

Now you just drop-in the driver+washer, and don’t look back.

Here ya are. Go crazy…


Whups… “currently unavailable” for this item, but you can no doubt find something similar.

Hello, a friend I made around, these centerers to use xp g2 in c8 convoy, greetings !!

Yes that’s probably how much my Ultrafire C8 produces which modded by myself more than 3 years ago. Back then DTP MCPCB was just started to get popular and everyone modded their lights with XM-L2 U2 on Noctigon with boosted current. My Ultrafire C8 is using an XM-L2 U2 on Noctigon running with 4.5A and to me it’s quite bright already, not to mention that it still has a nice moonlight mode. :smiley:

Of course by today’s standard we are looking towards >1400 lumens with the availability of higher bin emitters and easily accessible FET drivers.

Hi friends !, here again, put together another new c8 clear convoy firware, stacking 4 AMC 7135, and a led xp-g2 on base noctigon, result about 3.4 amps in the tail? Will not some AMC work? Or is it the led? At 6.5 m generates about 133,000 CD, WOW, what is the average shot for such a setup? Provdom dedom, in warm solvent, there seems to be change in the tint is still greenish, in my eyes it looks less green than in photographs, greetings !!