Closed Official Haikelite MT09R *UPDATE Now including TA's Pricing for Emitter Upgrades* Closed

Put me down for a Green XHP35 CW and 4 Sony VTC6 Please.

I got email confirmation from Haikelite boss about my order. I confirmed my shipping address. They gonna start shipping them soon.

The 35 is on the way...

They are running out of time. He's trying to get all the orders shipped before the Holiday begins in China next month.

While that may seem like a long way off, they still need enough time to get all of these orderes filled and get orderes shipped out to the retailers for each country.

There are massive changes going on for them and all of it will be for the better...

You can always send him a message and ask him.

They just have a ton to complete in the next 15 days.

Second MT09R ( XHP35Hi NW, blue) is fully paid. :laughing:

I did it… Paid in full. Thanks to all. :+1: :slight_smile:
MT09R Green 3*XHP70.2 in Neutral White + Charger ($10) = 135 $

Welcome to BLF... My 35 high sample is on the way and I will get footage posted ASAP... It will easily surpass the 70.2 in candela and throwing distance.

Thank you, this sounds perfect! I had a Nitecore TM28 here for testing purpose a few months ago, it was equipped with 4 XHP35, but only 6000 Lumen overall. But i liked the beam it created, so i hope it will be the same here. Surprise, surprise! :wink:

TM28 has ~100k cd. The MT09R XHP35 has much bigger reflectors, so it should easily out throw the TM28. Because it has overlapping reflectors you get artifacts that the TM28 does not have though.

I fully paid $310. Thanks.

So I want to get a xhp 35, CW, Deep Blue, 4 Sony VTC6, and Power Bank for $135. I don’t see if the 300 order limit has been reached. Just go on paypal and put my order in?

Guys I have some new video footage uploading now... It will be about half an hour before it completes.

Please forgive my still getting used to the new camera. I will become more accustomed to the camera and the best format to use for uploading to YouTube...

Taking these was just a lot of fun... I will be posting it here and in the review thread as well..

Just ordered and paid in full -
HXP70.2, cool white, green color
4 Sony Batteries
One Charger/Powerbank
$155 paid

Great flood videos! Easier to see how much it blasts over land vs water! Super excited for this light…specially in that blue color!

I know I am new around here, but those are some awesome shots. Thanks for posting! Glad I ordered.

Nice video Terry, do you think you’ll receive the 35HI version before this BG ends? I’m almost sold with just the spec but I would really like some more details before purchasing another haikelite.

I watched your videos. Good job on the beamshots. I just had some questions about the UI. If it was TomE’s Narsil or Toykeepers Anduril it would be a much easier choice for me, but this appears to be Haiklites own firmware. I’m worried I might not like it.
How fast is the ramping? It seemed much faster than the Narsil I’m used to.
Do you know what the MCU is and if we could flash another firmware on ourselves if needed. Thanks

You could, but perhaps you want to check with member “Haikelite Official” just to be sure. Also please check that the original blue colour is changed to a darker navy blue colour. There is only one choice, and that is the darker version.

Thanks guys... both those last 2 answers are correct...

Would be fun to see a list for all colors ordered how many of each.